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Everything posted by Ayesully810

  1. I have a bike ill sell you, only catch is that there is no brakes, so you must ride in a very large area where you can allow gravity to slow you down. msg me if u wanna do business
  2. do you do any other kind of riding besides that dirt road in your videos? srs question
  3. Claude, we can do Skype session and ill teach you English. I don't have a computer though or internet so ill have to go to the library. let me know when ur ready
  4. I called them this year, They said they don't make banshee stuff any more. rip
  5. good luck getting a hold of this guy. He sucks at answering back. He sells good parts though apparently
  6. updated picture with new rims and changed seat. I threw my seat on there and took the black one for mine.
  7. yup that's exactly why mine goes up during the winter.
  8. I would if Michigan wasn't so hit or miss with winter weather lol
  9. kinda pissed that you never messaged me back about that jl swing arm last month, you coulda saved me some money.
  10. 1. Ive never ridden anything bigger than my 421 4 mil before, I honestly don't think I could handle a 10 mil cub drag bike. But that's just my opinion 2. Im getting engaged soon and there will be a wedding next year so spending an insane amount of money on my first drag build is not a priority right now. I think a 4 or 7 mil stock cyl is a good option for me right now considering those two variables
  11. Chris. I already have a 421 dune/ trail bike, my driveline setup on pump gas and stock carbs is quite satisfying. Im set on using these stock cyls.. Carl, looks like we might be going 7 mil then.
  12. Carl i was hoping ud comment. Just so everyone knows carl is doing my build this winter. But yeah the cylinders that im sending to you are completely untouched as far as porting. I was considering the possibility of going 7mil but im leaning more towards 4 right now bc there will be a little less involved.
  13. stellar performance for j arms they are busy good luck getting a hold of him I am never able to when I need to but I have their arms they are good. Jetting- here. finish your bike first then worry about jetting
  14. I got a pair of pretty nice stock cylinders that I plan on using for my drag build this winter. I'm for sure using these cylinders no questions asked, but I'm trying to decide if I want to do a 4mil or 7 mil. I already have the person picked out for porting. What special things need to be done on a stock cyl setup to make the 7 mil work. I haven't researched it much. I'm assuming just as thick as you can go base gasket, obviously porting, trenched cases and cut domes for the 7 mil? Would like to learn.
  15. call driveline and they will cut you a set. 2487933535
  16. clutch Rod ball, there should be one inside the main shaft, but if u just changed to cable you wouldn't have opened up the side cover, but if u did and there is no ball in there, there should be
  17. real friends don't let their banshee friends buy boost bottles
  18. cept photo bucket is mia now and img shack cost money
  19. what is wrong with your stockers that u had that are "damaged" ? post some pics, they probably just need to be bored, the price to get it bored, ported with pistons and domes is prolly the same amount for after market cylinders
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