Claude i really wanna see u post a vid of you riding out a wheelie on ur new 10 mil serval and displaying your basic skill. Plz teach me Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
That sounds better bc honestly i know we drop coin on shee stuff left and right bc we r addicts but im not gunna spend 180 for 2 days like bretts sayin lol. Too many coles in the fire right and my budget wont allow it.. Just sayin. Glad i posted this thread bc im pretty clueless about some stuff and have yet to take a legit riding trip Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
so many haters on this site just for the sake of being negative. Im with buck. There are people that are dumb and do stupid stuff, but they don't represent the whole. and like it or not it takes skill.
I mean 135 psi isnt bad its just odd bc 19cc should put u well over that. What did the adapter of the compression tester look kike? Same thread length as ur spark plugs? Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk