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    Drag banshee 1/8 mile

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Thanks a lot for the help.. i will start reading this in the drag section.. all of yours comments are welcome!!
  2. Thanks a lot for the help.. i will start reading this in the drag section.. all of yours comments are welcome!!
  3. Now you comment about the clutch tuned for big tires on Maybe small motors. To not kill the motor and pull the big tires? Whats the best? Add weight to the lock out o stay with the standard lock out? And soft or hard springs? I would really aprecciate your help
  4. I use the 1-5 to asphalt. But i will go sand . So i would not change the transmission just for some days. So until the launch, i put 2nd and leave the clucth a little for secure that the shift enter? Could it jump to another shift and broke something? Before in the post many said that the transmission work launching in 2nd . Maybe some advices are good to not broke the transmission . Thanks[emoji1]
  5. THAT´S THE ANSWER !! haha thanks a lot for the help. !!!!! i hope it will run good launching in 2nd
  6. yes i would tried in a pair of weeks, just feel confused if i need to launch in first because of the override. obviously i will force the second because is not billet but i don`t want to be in dangeours on broken the transmission just for the 2nd launch, the ride will be in the sand, and first is to short and not use a bar .
  7. If you had a neutral down 1-6 override could you launch in 2nd ? Or you must launch in first ? Is not duneable transmission. Thanks for opinions and experiences
  8. For example if i couldnt fine outwears here. Anybody use pantyhouse? I wouldnt use them. But in the worst of the cases ...
  9. I don't go to the sand .but the idea is go in the summer and i dont want to broke the motor. So i need to find the outwears for my kyn's .
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