The internal adjuster should have a hair of free play ensuring the clutch in fully engaged. Then you take up the slack on the perch until the marks line up to ensure a full disengage. If after that it's still goin past the marks your perch is pulling the cable too far.
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I would flip out and throw the constitution at their face and scream privet property rights. Some machines just can't be quiet.
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Lol the key word "trinity and eBay" rofl. The story behind the problem of crooked studs doesn't tell you how to fix them. It's how have they been fixed in the past and what works and what doesn't work.
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Ok I'm hittin 300 ft this weekend. I'll take my 14 15 and 41 40 and 39 with me too. I don't have a lock up or cut tranny yet. If that makes a diff.
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With a lock up you can't pull the lever in when your in the top rpm range. That's why you need a cut tranny to up shift without pulling in the lever. You'll have to let the rpm drop to pull in the lever to down shift with a lock up and cut tranny. Your mx riding a lock up would not be good.
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Well eBay (trinity) did the jugs lol couldn't pass up 100 for the set. Crooked studs = 100 bucks. I fixed em and 4mil ported for trail/drag 80-85hp by hjr. I had to put the studs in after hjr sent em back. That's when i saw wtf studs! I just tapped them with a hammer till the head goes on by hand. Problem solved.
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