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    2003 banshee

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. If you would have read a few lines of THIS thread. He was asking ME what my compression was. I told him 0 because of a blown engine. And that he should read that to see what my situation is. So instead of you jumpin down people's throats, try reading a little bit before you start yelling at people.
  2. Yes. They were pitted. This is my first shee. So I had no idea the following these bikes had lol. I'm going to rebuild it. Then slap a for sale sign on it. I've got 6 bikes in the garage. I can't afford to maintain them all the way they need to be. So I gotta thin the herd. Getting an 07 kx250f done too. And that will be for sale too.
  3. Well the compression is at nothing rite now. If you look at the thread, "broken piston on right bank". That is my thread. That's the situation with my shee rite now. Had people telling me that the 93 octane fuel wasn't high enough in octane rating. So I was getting detonation. And in turn, that blew up my skirt. And I bought the bone used. I don't know who built the engine.
  4. I'm in Wichita Falls tx. I believe 1000 feet or so above sea level. So would 110 octane be rite for me? And what kind of fuel oil ratio to mix at? Manual says 24:1. I was mixing 32:1.
  5. So. While we are on this topic, I am running a 4mill crank. 110 rods. 68mm pistons with 19cc domes in a cool head and a cub cylinder. What octane rating should I be running? And what fuel/oil ratio would be recommended?
  6. I can't afford to send the engine off to a builder. I'm a competent mechanic though, I also can't afford to change the engine specs. I checked the crank by spraying B12 in the bearings to clear out all oil, followed up by compressed air. Then felt for excessive play. Con rod bearings were good to go. Measurements were all in spec as per the manual. No discoloration and no galling.
  7. I'm in the middle of a rebuild rite now. I split cases today. Called Vito's yesterday and he was saying that these pistons are awesome. I'm still
  8. Got the cases split today. Not much debris from the broken piston skirt in the crankcase thank god!!! Removed crank and inspected all bearings. They checked out good. Thank god again!!! So a good clean up and new seals is in order. So when I was talking to the guy at Vito's, he was telling me to go with 21 or 22 cc domes. It was detonating because the 19cc domes require 110 octane fuel. Which I had no idea what was in the engine when I bought the bike. I want to run it off of premium pump gas. What would y'all recommend?
  9. I got off the phone with WSM and Vito's. I have a 68 mm bore. 110 rods. 58mm stroke. 4 mil stroker crank. All in all it's displacement is 421. It is running a cub cylinder. When I'm not driving, I'll tell y'all what I'm gonna do. And see if it's gonna work well.
  10. I'm calling WSM tomorrow to verify all specs of the pistons. That way I can get domes to match. Once I get specs I may even change over I weisco and domes to match the weisco. I haven't decided yet. I'll prolly stick with WSM. All comes down to the almighty dollar.
  11. I'll get more pics set up of the jug assy. And of the crank. There is still questions about the jug. People are saying it's a cub. I'm not even sure what that is lol. I'll get some better angles of the crank too. It's still in the engine. I haven't split cases yet.
  12. Ok. The manual has been useless in identifying parts. Once I know what's it's built with. Then I can shop parts. I'm calling Vito's tomorrow to see about the head and domes. Then gotta call WSM about pistons. I've read that some of the wrist pin heights are different. So don't wanna buy wrong parts. It ran like a raped ape. So I'll put it back with same part specs.
  13. I didn't say it was a stock stroke crank. I asked if someone would build an engine with a stroker crank and stock length rods. I have no idea what this engine was built with. I'm not the original owner.
  14. We were talking about the crank. About the 29L rods being stock length. Cylinders surprisingly look good. No scores in the bore. I think I can actually get by with giving them a good hone. Want more pics
  15. That goes without say, however I am the 2nd owner if this bike. I have no idea who built this engine before me. So I'd like to identify all the parts I'll be replacing. That way I can upgrade them or do a direct replacement of them.
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