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Everything posted by bigweav81

  1. He's not referring to your side cover, but your lower case in general. I wonder if a guy could tac weld the part of the kick starter itself that sets in the holding fixture. Cases are 200$ average, or more.
  2. Set float height, ride. Lean needles one clip, and ride. See if it helps. Noticed you said you rode it for awhile....I'd do another compression test for peace of mind. May not need it, but I'm ocd as fuck lol. You need to ride in an area where you can open it up. Lugging it around maybe borderline fouling plugs. Try new plugs to.
  3. Is it a bog, or blubbery feeling? I'm still new myself. I always chop threads can get expensive, but I don't feel experienced enough to look, and tell. Still seems like something is up though. Trim plug wires, and gap plugs , and pick up for shits, and gigs. Can only see shaved head, and vf4 in your mods with my phone.
  4. You set your float height? Did you ever play with your needles? Do an actual plug chop? Your fuel lines aren't kinked are they? When I first used vf4 I actually had to lean my needles one clip.
  5. What was your compression when you tested it?
  6. I'd say that's your problem. Seems like I read about this problem a few months back on here. Try searching I remember guys saying how to fix it.
  7. I had one on my hand once. Dug it out with knives grew back. Finally took a nail file, and scrubbed that bitch raw, and soaked it in bleach gone for good. Was told you can freeze them off.......but where's the sportsmanship in that.
  8. Lol, I'm just giving you shit. You may be a guy that gets bent out of shape easy.
  9. That's a forearm? That wart has some vascular shape as well.
  10. I'd like one if your going to make these. I had no idea shit like that was, or is made.
  11. Do a leak down test already! It's been mentioned 10 times already.
  12. Lol, I guess. Sarcasm more bad boy more boy not........fixed it.
  13. Mail me whatever your toking, because your post are mind boggling.
  14. ^^^that's what I was getting at. I can't bring myself to shit talk without personal experience. I did have a friend who bought a stock head that looked like hammered shit. ....unlike the head which was pictured in the ad.
  15. I'm not sure I understand. What I'm saying is I'd trust a well known member on this forum, saying he or she has a matching set of cases, before I'd trust some random eBay seller. That's just me.
  16. I'd ask around on here. Hard for me to trust a lot of eBay shit. They need to be a matching set, better to be safe then sorry.
  17. It's a simple ordeal really. A lot of people over think it in my opinion.
  18. Spend 200$ on some used cases, and whatever extra expense you encounter, and have two banshees!
  19. I'm sure they are. I've changed a few out that had different #s. Should be changing one next week. I'll take pics. I remember the first time I had mine out, and thought why the fuck doesn't it say 110. May have just been some cheap replacement idk.
  20. Depends, and if it's out yes very easy to tell if it's welded.
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