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Everything posted by gusto

  1. https://www.amazon.ca/Everlast-Extra-Strength-Hand-Grips/dp/B007K3D2AK/ref=asc_df_B007K3D2AK/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292942511498&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10523017929525420437&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001801&hvtargid=pla-458985546954&psc=1
  2. Shit, buy the ported cylinders offered in this post and be done with it. MacDaddy is a sponsor and builds good shit.
  3. Cracked case could effect it. Leak it down. Reed spacers won’t make a difference unless they’re leaking around them.
  4. No you’ll need to open it up. It might be worth your time to bring it to a shop with a dyno if there prices are good. You could dial it in with the AFR meter
  5. Put fresh plugs in and chop it. Let’s see how much fuel it’s getting
  6. Have you put a carb meter on it? Is it ported?
  7. Yes the stator can be bad. That should be your next check if you haven’t cut back the wires on your plug boots yet.
  8. I was told these are long travel banshee arms but I’m thinking they may be possibly from another machine like a yfz450. Does anyone know the brand of these a arms? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. JL Engineering has the slickest unit. I used his instructions for floating the ground . Wasn’t to hard, the stock epoxy is real tough though
  10. I may have had them upgraded but don’t remember. Had to take back my tie rod ends and upgrade to yes 450 ends when they arrived. Check out Stadium shocks. They’re Canadian and will save you some money over US companies
  11. My fireball arms cane with 12 mm steering/control rods. No ball joints though.
  12. You sure those arms never shipped with 12mm tie rods? buy Stadium shocks.
  13. Definitely get the fireball arms in long travel. Not sure on the elks running. I know the first fireball long travel works with Elka stage 3s, I have them
  14. Curious to what pipe your changing to? You pretty much have your bases covered with those two.
  15. Try moving your needle to last position and see if that makes it better. pipes and pods is usually automatic pilot increase, but try your needle first
  16. Your pilot is to small. Throw in a 27.5 and experiment with needle setting. Start in the middle. report back if it’s notnworking
  17. Use Tapatalk app to post pics. So you bought this top end and it’s sitting on the shelf or it’s installed? you could get away with the stock carbs I think. 800 gets you a driveline set up for fuel tire reference
  18. I personally wouldn’t put a dime into the engine. If it runs good run it until it breaks. Then upgrade. that set up is from a time before CPI and Driveline cylinders and the domes and head are specific.
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