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Everything posted by TroyBrock

  1. There are a few websites, just google it. I did it with both my bike and spare frame. Both came back clean, then had DMV check and to no surprise both came back clean.
  2. Got the cases split. Showed Surfjag the transmission he says it's stock. I found the other backing plate bolt head in the transmission along with other chunks of metal which I have no idea where they came from. Bottom of the cases have "88 Break" poorly etched into them, not sure why, jugs have "1" and "2" poorly etched into them like the person had to remember which side they went on other than that nothing unexpected happened. I'm going to thoroughly look everything over tomorrow to try to determine where those chunks came from. http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/IMG_4844_zps272462d4.jpg
  3. You really should split them again and redo your seal, you can't just seal one part of the engine and not the other. asking for problems doing that
  4. Then take the rest out with vise grips or pliers? I figured that's what I was gonna have to do
  5. Nothing is easy taking this bottom end apart, got the flywheel nut off but forgot puller so now I have to go back over to my buddy's house again. I still have to figure out how to get the screws out of those stupid tabs.
  6. Those are your top engine mount bolts, I don't know which order they go in though Sent from my iPhone using
  7. New CDI didn't change a thing, still no spark. I've checked everything I can think of, now what?
  8. You could just buy a stainless steel bolt kit. I believe we have a sponsor that sells them. The kit would come with everything labeled to help you put it back together.
  9. I can take a picture of the cushions and post it later, they didn't look worn but I wouldn't know what worn cushions look like. The cheap screws had to have had something to do with it too, they were raised heads, they didn't sitt down in the plate like the factory ones and I think they might have been hitting something as it rotated, breaking them off, I just found out that the jugs and head I got with the bottom end were not on the bottom end of this motor. neither the head, jugs or bottom end were ever part of one motor. All purchased separately on craiglist and then sold to me together.
  10. I don't know what happened but I can assume it had something to do with the cheap screws that someone installed, I know they were not the original screws. The basket isn't badly damaged but I don't know if I want to run it or even if I can because one thread might be messed up.
  11. I didn't think I could split the cases with them on there. I used an impact driver which is what stripped the first 2. I don't think I'll reuse anything that comes out if this axis just because if the risk factor. That shift star looks normal so does that mean the transmission hasn't been modded?
  12. Hey that looks like mine! Haha So Hinson basket and such has to go. Was unable to split the cases today because I forgot to zap the flywheel nut off while at my buddy's house. I'm going back tomorrow to finish the job. The 4 screws that hold the 2 thin metal brackets behind the basket wouldn't break lose with PB blaster and a tap of a hammer, ended up stripping 1 on each and stripped screw removal tool just ended up drilling them out. Any ideas on how to get them out now?
  13. It is pretty bad, that back there is the bolt top that is in the other picture.
  14. http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/BrokenBackplate_zps97f2797b.jpg http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/BasketGouge_zps8f2a904d.jpg http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/BrokenBolttop_zps0fc5bc1f.jpg http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/ShiftStar_zps7d1c4ab5.jpg http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy107/TroyBrock/BrokenBasketScrew_zpsa49e0e08.jpg
  15. It matchs an older Hinson pressure plate but I'll just take your word for it. Some updates on what happened, apparently someone uses cheap screw on the backing plate which broke and sent 2 of them through the clutch side. 2 of the clutch cushions are messed up. The clip for the the one gear was completely missing. The basket seems to be okay but I'll upload pictures soon. Shift star looks normal, I'll upload some pictures of everything soon.
  16. I'm not sure they had their hands in mine yet, I will know for sure tomorrow if someone did work on it but I don't think I'll know for sure who did it.
  17. I think it is, can anyone confirm or tell me otherwise?
  18. Found this beauty under the clutch cover though, it appears to be a Hinsen basket and billet pressure plate.
  19. I'll check the jugs tomorrow but from the looks of them they were not ported.
  20. I don't have an impact, I'm going to my buddy's house tomorrow. Full snap on garage to use. The fibers were pretty bad though.
  21. Umm I'm not sure yet. I can't get the basket off cause I don't have the tools to do it right now.
  22. That's what I'm thinking but wasn't sure. I'll be splitting the cases soon.
  23. Well I think it was gone through by them or someone else. Transmission feels like neutral is all the way down, and I only count 4 shifts up with it. What should I post pictures of?
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