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Everything posted by Bennett131

  1. I'm still led to believe that you have yet to do a leak down test. Weather that is the issuie or not it's always good to do. That being said I'm out. I hope your carbs are the problem and you get it running right.
  2. This! Jake isn't an idot...and since when is starting fluid "lubed"?
  3. Not to mention, if you do have a leak and you try to fix the carbs you will be chaising your tail for days.
  4. Maybe so, but not coming from a dummy when thats all he ever does. Otherwise i would have never said anything at all.
  5. They just don't like being called out on their bullshit...just another day on BHQ!
  6. No...what you need are fucking clues, ones that at least let you read the rules and know what you are selling. You've fucked up at just about every aspect of selling items at this point. Then you lie and dance around questions asked.
  7. Besides following people around and repeating what they say, do you have any other talents?
  8. Ya know, you remind me of the people at wal mart who walk around having conversations with their selves.
  9. He means you dont port the head, you port the cylinders. It's not a 4stroke.
  10. You're first mistake was listening to a retard. Look at all the other for sale ads on here...nobody's fault but your own. Anyways, carry on with being stupid.
  11. There are quite a few people floating around on this 3rd rate site that have them...
  12. Nobody is going to look it up because nobody cares.
  13. Some kid toucher on blue Traxx said it was true, so it has to be!
  14. I do believe mine had an o ring. Did you take your snap ring pliers and take the tip off?
  15. It is possible for a fuel filter to do that, but it would have to be a pretty long pull.
  16. It's still a raptor, and it's still a turd.
  17. He said pics tomorrow, and the price is in the title.
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