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Everything posted by Bennett131

  1. True but I've also bought countless 20 dollar sets that have broken on me at home when I could have bought one set that would last me the rest of my life. If I'm reading tolerances that are tighter than .001 I use a micrometer.
  2. Brown and Sharpe dial calipers fuck the world!
  3. It would sound like it, but I was just stupid when I was 18. It hasn't got much better though except I'm smart enough to leave stuff parked.
  4. I got a ride in a helicopter after crashing one of them, not the one I have now though....it just sits in the garage. Dat morphine doe
  5. That's how it always starts, then it ends in left field.
  6. Shit is nice but the price tag always gives me the chills.
  7. I think their building burnt down awhile ago. You're probably stuck with a used set if you can find them.
  8. You can sell to whoever you want they were your pipes. That's how that works.
  9. No, you were throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way. Then proceeded to bash the dude when you never even paid him any money. You didn't get screwed, you just have to find another set of pipes now. At least the money should be in your PayPal now, right?
  10. So you never even paid him any money but you think you got boned? Let me explain how a normal persons paypal account works. My account is linked to my bank card, when I want to buy something, I send money and it comes out of my account immidiately. So now you're mad that he sold them out from under you? Get over it bro. I would have sold them locally too. Sounds to me like you wanted the pipes bud didn't have the money to buy them.
  11. Stfu. If you have to ask, you can't afford them.
  12. It just makes no sense to tq it all down only to pull it back off to loctight it. I only use loctite on a few things inside the motor. As for the rest of the stuff on the frame I don't even tq it. If it helps you sleep at night, go for it. It's not really nessesary though imo. Rrl has bad luck.
  13. It makes zero sense to put loctite on after you already install everything once.
  14. This whole thread is full of nothing but win.
  15. A lot of people here run them without any problems to speak of.
  16. Post pics, just about anything is better than stock.
  17. It cleans everything up, who wants wires and hoses going the whole way back their frame?
  18. Actually they were bullseye stickies lol
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