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Everything posted by BANSHEEBEEFM2M

  1. It's always in the sand. He bought the parts from trinity, and had them port it they didn't assemble it
  2. Ya exactly. . I tryd to tell them I had nothing to do with that lol
  3. Trinity ported it and they call it their dune port.and For the record I told my dad not to have trinity do it lol I was against i5 but she runs really good for what it is with my 90 pound brother on it
  4. OK thanks. There just gonna be dragging. . So +6 will be safe??
  5. how much is it safe to advance timing? Going to put plates on mine and my brothers bike tomorrow and I want to know what is a good setting and what's safe. My bike is a drag ported ss lr 392 he's got a 421 dune portedcub. We both run 112 fuel. And will be riding at sea level. I know +4 is safe but I heard of being able to do up to +7? What will give us a good noticeable amount of power and still be somewhat safe?
  6. Is it the hill shooter axle? How many passes have they made with these axles up brokebac mountain
  7. Put your Bac up against the wall and shit in a box. Put the broken axle on top of the shit. And ship it bac to bac
  8. Just a minor set bac . Have they gave you a call bac?
  9. Sprinklerman why u gunna bac this dude up?
  10. Sucks that you got fucked bro, but honestly, did they hit it from the bac?
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