Iv rode 4 Wheelers before but never owned one. I came in to around 30gs so decided to buy one didn't do any research just jumped on craigslist found a banshee looked Cool so I bought it. the guy said its mean but that's what I figured id say if I was selling one so I thought yeah what ever. So he brought it to me.I puted around on it and bought it. 2 friend came and got me and we went riding. First time driving it got to what I thought was top end of 1st gear shifted to 2nd my buddys blew past me so I mashed it I hit powerband scared the sh!t out of me when we got off I was shaking. I got sorta used to after riding all day. I was going home runnin bout 45 for bout 5 miles started acting funny. So I felt the pressures off the pipes the right one wasn't push so I figured I fouled a plug. got some plugs Changed them still wouldn't push air so I called some friends and we tore into the engine. Looked at the piston blew a hole right through the piston. So I learned my lesson now I know. Taking it to get rebuilt tommorw.