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Everything posted by Kcskindeep84

  1. If someone wants the vforces.intake and carbs with cables. I'll do 400 shipped
  2. Oh. And patch is on inside. Not visible when mounted
  3. Shearers are back for sale. I will have them back in a few days. I didn't notice they have been patched but done nicely. Guy that bought them didn't want them like that so I'm refunding. So first 400 takes them. Thanks
  4. Says your inbox is full. Interested in the axle
  5. I need a few things. I'm putting this banshee I just bought back stock to sell to friend that wants it as stock as possible. if anyone has this stuff pm me. Thanks Stock pipes and silencers or cheap aftermarket reeds and intakes carbs Crank I think that's it
  6. I'm not selling anything else but what I've listed. Please don't ask. Had a lot of interest in it as a whole but this is going back all stock then being sold to a friend. Anyway. I do have some vforce 4s I may be willing to sell for the right price
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