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Dick Dragon

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Everything posted by Dick Dragon

  1. You're right, my bad. I'll just have to take his word for it! His word is good, right?
  2. Fire roads in 4th,vid or it's just a wet dream!
  3. I rode Ballers EX this morning................ And even she said he's slow!
  4. I hear he's the fastest dude on an EX in Mass. too!
  5. You guys are too rough on Baller,after all he can keep up with "Donnie" SHEEESH!!
  6. I received this email from the ASA today......... BLM ANNOUNCES RECORD OF DECISION FOR THE ISDRA RECREATION AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN "A Major Step in the Right Direction" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After more than 10 years of studies and legal maneuvering the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has adopted Alternative #8 as described in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) Record of Decision (ROD) published on June 17, 2013. The BLM decision is based on 13 years of analysis and studies from both sides of the issues. In so doing, they are removing most of the "Interim Closures" put in place in August 2000, keeping only the 9,046 acres closed where scientific studies show the plants need protection, Critical Habitat designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Alternative #8 reopens the majority of the area between Interstate 8 and Highway 78. Approximately 7,500 acres east of the sand highway from Roadrunner to Gordons Well will remain closed to Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) activity. The closure in the Buttercup area will be relocated adjacent to the border of Mexico. The new plan provides for continuous monitoring in the future and allows for adjustments to be made. A revaluation by the USFWS could potentially delist the Peirson's milk vetch. The plan is 328 pages long and is the result of many thousands of public comments, court decisions, and environmental studies. The RAMP ROD may be viewed here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp? e=001DvV58GawAjoiwcYe6qdj0yw_e95ta3nCc9uKjcvfvYOXuacSCkqWM4VcokQnOKu4Fk6sT9eeP2s1UqPXql89wU7KToOK33xYo1yPfsOXqwqCnAz3fZaxz0HE2MC6h-RDs_LmaRMfq45_Jkw9328HSekpACwhn7BXxr34II4pVxcdTlVzUmRIkAfJdPo6nQYRdWLyHWIk0iPT3e9lt4v17SWJoGNNtDk5vRPDIAnlEPTD1ifzHBmCWzdoQAHuZJLJiASLOCz-MyB00_s4AaFmcHGkcTjlsI-1j_bs3i9DAmDz70EIsR19itCqYSMPn91613jhIsOTsPuDtF7V1_S6QKnJQbv00iccHvkhgkRTmulHqnWmDR2GPPPEV9h0xAtfU6dmNcW3HgVD5qPyjZoOhAcekKqlS4Ug. The BLM California State Director Jim Kenna in his statement said, "This final plan benefited from thorough scientific review and important public feedback, and it will ensure the great family tradition of OHV recreation will continue at Imperial Sand Dunes as we protect key desert habitat." So when could we see the preferred Alternative #8 implemented? The ROD confirms that the interim closures imposed by court order in 2000 will be lifted following the 90-day court-review period, unless one of the original parties, such as the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), files an objection within the next 90 days. In which case, the Court will have to decide whether the deficiencies identified in its 2006 decision invalidating the prior RAMP have been sufficiently corrected. CBD may try to raise issues not addressed in the 2006 court decision but we and BLM will oppose such an effort as being beyond the scope of the Court's review. In any event, the Court will likely want the parties to brief the issues presented in CBD's objection document. This will require, among other things, that BLM prepare the administrative record for the ROD. This takes a fair amount of time to complete. When that's done, the parties will write and file their briefs - a process that takes about six months. Then we will get a new hearing date with the Court and have oral arguments before the judge. Typically, the judge will take three to six months to issue a final ruling. As you can see, we still have a long road ahead of us. Until then, all closures will remain in effect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Nasty, is that PC or paint, how old? Looks great!!
  8. I believe they are the same. When I ordered my axle it listed "all years" for application.
  9. Lazy....... But??? The TORS kit costs that, LOL! See lazy can be wise!
  10. Is it the same chain? You may look at the links real close too...
  11. If the cap does not hold the pressure it will force the coolant out the overflow tube or around the caps seat.
  12. Worn swinger and/or carrier bearings,cracks in frame and/or swinger,worn(stretched) chain just to start
  13. I was thinking of going white also,but was worried about how long before it looked like crap. Is the white holding up well?
  14. I have a set of red ASI's and have been running in 100+ weather with no issues. We'll see as time goes, only have a couple of months on them so far
  15. You are all wrong............. The muffler bearings are obviously bad and are throwing the timing off on the cams.
  16. Going to be at Buttercup the weekend before halloween. Anyone else up for beating the crowd?
  17. I have a set of those, I can get up to 45 mph in first gear. They act like an auto tranny! I won't tell you how fast in sixth, you won't believe me!
  18. I would get the head,and worry about pistons on the next topend rebuild.
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