No I deff my own person lol , I.just havent been on for acouple days. So heres what happened I bought a shee with a blown top end so I didnt think it was it was a big deal the only thing I thought was wierd about it was it had a spacer plate on it had no idea what they were trying to do with that so we took it off , sent the top out to be bored and ordered new pistons got everything back and put the pistons in and tried to put the top end on but the piston hit the top end so we took it back off and notices that it had brand new hot rod crank and stroker rods so we put the plate back on and slid the top end back on but the stock cylinder studs were to short which explains why there were no gasket on the top and bottom end so now after removing the stock cylinder studs and snaping 3 of them had to send the bottom end out so they could get the broken studs out im just waiting on my new longer studs to come in so I can finaly put my bike back toghter