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Everything posted by hoppedupandcutdown

  1. Crazy, that's what they told me when they took my camping moneys Labor Day weekend.
  2. I'm guessing just whoever is at the counter in Don's store. that's where I was sent to ask about leaving my trailer there. Don't know about after store hours. If you get there to late to pick up a key, certainly at least one of those east coast guys is proficient at B&E.
  3. Also, when I was there Labor Day, The T-shirt/sticker shop in the middle of the campground had some misc. camping supplies. In other news, the BBQ joint just south of Don's store had closed up, and, Gail has retired. Although she is still living on-site.
  4. Has to be oven cleaner that contains sodium hydroxide. VERY caustic, only use outdoors with PLENTY of ventilation.
  5. New plate for the front of the dually, guaranteed to make good time heading to the dunes.
  6. Still use it once or twice a year. Haven't advertised it anywhere else. Can't deal with the fukwads on Ebay or Craigslist.
  7. It's a Lonestar that I wanted to sell and I've actually ridden it and it seemed fine...but maybe I should just mount it in the shop as a towel bar.
  8. I've got a used axle out of a wrecked bike - really, is this O.K. to use? http://www.ebay.com/itm/140909001049?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. Expensive lesson, but still got really lucky.
  10. It was assembled wrong. The pressure plate goes on 3 ways properly and he missed.
  11. no, just flooded. But don't get your hopes up. Hard to tell from your description of the chain of events as to what could have happened.
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