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Everything posted by hoppedupandcutdown

  1. not occasionally, every time, that's how a Banshee shuts off via the thumb switch - by completing a circuit to ground from the black/white wire.
  2. I just sold a set for $450 and kinda regret it, how about that? mine were full rears and the ever so illusive white
  3. He's testing the fucking thumb switch, already has the key switch bypassed
  4. So it's not running or sparking at all now, ever?
  5. it's good then. As long as it does it every time.
  6. Since they haven't made any in YEARS, and their facility caught fire, if you find some you like, just buy them.
  7. do have anybody with a similar year banshee you can swap parts with?
  8. http://farmandsandtoys.com/ocart2/cub-water-plug.html?search=cub%20plug pic for reference
  9. It says "RENEGADE" I'm fairly certain that Rene Gade didn't special order 4 grilles and never pick them up.
  10. http://www.hotrodsproducts.com/ProductInfo.aspx?item_id=6891 Cheaper on DK anyway, but they say they only have one, that usually means none...have them check stock or you will be waiting
  11. Yep, take it back, don't let them double talk you. Not to mention a brand new carb will come with bowl gasket, float chamber and needle valve assembly.
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BANSHEE-SWING-ARM-6-WITH-LINKAGE-CARRIER-CHROME-PLATED-/221956670535?nma=true&si=o8Ay7AbwJ879uz5%252FZDwXwjk6M1I%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 The listing said ModQuad part#KSW1-B6, but it looks like a metaltech to me. ANY INSIGHT HERE? I'll be making plenty of phone calls in the A.M.
  13. Not gonna wok, no shock here, Banshee dogbone instead of warrior cuz it has more arch. The arm is bottomed out there. the tabs are an inch farther forward and the crossmember is two inches forward.
  14. So Does this mean this is a no-link arm since the dog bone hits before reaching the tab holes?
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