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Everything posted by brettjsand2000

  1. Sorry, I forgot to mention 5/8 spindle
  2. The race is still happening! There are a couple pr bikes going but they are bikes already in the USA.......see you all next weekend. OHHHHH, And thanks to BHQ/RHQ for being a sponsor for the shirts!
  3. NO PR BIKES COMING NOW...... Apparently the Pr government is trying to charge 1000 per bike to being over here.
  4. Haha, they so slow, we don't need no motor!! Lol
  5. If you are going, send me a pic of your bike for the team USA pics.....here are a few I started.
  6. There wasn't enough demand to justify doing another one.
  7. There is no plans for a new DVD. I only have videos and pics from La and Mi
  8. Hellllll no Check out all the sponsors team Pr has on their shirts for this race....I'm not sure we are taking this as serious as these guys. I haven't even heard much chatter about people going.
  9. I still have a ton of dvd's for sale....these will help hold you over till Next race season....or make great Xmas gifts!!!
  10. I'm ready, last race of the year. Didn't get much in at Sheltons, looking forward to this.
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