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Everything posted by Vicstuff

  1. Guess I better start smoking reefer then since i live here lol
  2. What are you saying we're all stoners in Colorado now lol
  3. http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/sno/4423060941.html
  4. I've got oem tie rods no ends though
  5. long shot but anyone got a good stock carb choke plunger?
  6. I have a full set in the fs section I may have a set of extra lowers to I'll check when I get home tonight
  7. Better pic of what's in the bucket of gears, again not sure what to ask but not going to give them away Set of stock a arms good ball joints, straight rattle canned black, can include the stock tie rods if needed 90 shipped
  8. Does it just lay on the frame rails? Use stock carb boots I assume?
  9. These what you looking for?
  10. Your talking the little rubber looking ones? Think I have some I'll check in the morning
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