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  1. having the head fit nicely on the cylinder with no movement aint a bad thing. the chamber can then be machined nearly the same as the bore diam. with a bunch of slop like stockers (and maybe some aftermarket heads) the chamber diam has to be a fair bit larger than the bore to account for any slop so you dont get any material protruding into the bore. the down side of this is you create a void behind the piston. this may be the reason chariot tries to keep the holes nearly the same as the studs. just a guess
  2. Not sure the size but just don't get the esr sized ones. Found mine was leaking again. About ready to just remove it
  3. That link is a modqaud. Nice piece but heavy. If your not concerned about a bit of extra weight then it's a fine choice. It's fairly wide for lockup clutch but you could use it with standard clutch I suppose
  4. I think it's the other way around sunshine. Your one with stone age crap Plenty instances of detonation can be traced back to poor cooling of the chamber and plug. Hence why the cooling space design is import. The whole cooling system is highly important for that matter as power falls after about 160*. Doesn't even take scientific instruments to notice it, any monkey like you has likely seen how power fades away as the temp goes up and engine gets soaked with heat
  5. Casted ? I guess they let just anyone in here
  6. Lsr 3/4 tube is 7 bills. Cascade with carrier is 9 bills but I think it's just a lsr brand maybe
  7. I guess even Temps in the head would be good But a lot of water space isnt. There's plenty of info and photos out there what said water space around the chamber and spark plug should look like for good results. I haven't seen any newer cool head stuff but their older designs were horrible
  8. on the older cylinders from yester year its not uncommon to see mismatches between the sleeve and casting or the window dimensions to differ from side to side. some hondas had the same problem. even some of the older plated cylinders had window heights that varied from side to side. i prefer to assemble the topend and use a degree wheel to figure everything out rather than measuring from the top down
  9. smaller water ports with higher velocity is going to be better than a big slug of water that just sits theres. this stuff has all been tested a bazillion times. coolhead name sounds neat but if theres a big chunk of water on the combustion chamber then likely it isnt cooling worth a damn. but hell who gives a shit if it works or not, long as the name is catchy and sells like hot cakes
  10. figured this what hes trying to make http://bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?/topic/121204-new-arched-ladder-design-swingarms/page-1
  11. Everything is simple when you've never done it Like I said before I thought he wanted something more elaborate than just a single tube ya fuggin wanker
  12. The stage is all yours. Show him how to make a swinger oh great one with all the clues
  13. Pm zillafreak for help. He knows everything until it's time to answer the question
  14. I stand corrected thought he was refering to something more intricate than just 2 round tubes running back to the carrier housing
  15. where do you buy a new swinger for $350 ? handbuilt ones are 7 bills. unless your talking a stocker that somebody chopped in half and just welded a +4 plug back in.
  16. most swingers ive seen are near 7 benjamins if not more. i cant imagine the material anywhere near that much. mostly your paying for labor time to cut, bend, fit and weld. but the problem i see is if you have little to no experience welding steel in a structural application, specifically tubing. may want to practice on some scrap pieces first. ive welded a bunch of aluminum but never any steel tubing so i cant offer any first hand advice. might be some gas purging process youll have to do on the inside but im not sure.
  17. i thought the cr125 bolt pattern was alittle different although ive never checked. did you redrill the holes or was they the same
  18. i hear ya man but the larger engines usually have beefed up components, cases, rods, bearings etc. why put big pistons on a flimsy lower end is what i was getting at
  19. whys everyone have a boner for huge ass pistons
  20. naw but one time i forgot to tighten handlebars. fukers fell completely off. couldnt believe it
  21. should of blasted the dunes for a few hours in reverse while you had the chance
  22. i wouldnt be in a hurry to buy the first thing you find. that usually ends in disappointment. take the time to find one that aint beat to shit
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