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Everything posted by m671054

  1. I got a chance to side this at sand mountain. I must say i was impressed. most four strokes are lacking in power and suspension. this has both. Awesome dune bike and a good sleeper at the hill. someone will be happy with this setup for sure
  2. Thats why they sell a wrist pin puller. you should get one
  3. I was looking for alum button head allens when i stumbled across that site. glad someone else likes it. go kart parts dealers sell those countersunk washers also. if you have one local you might check there
  4. Stolen almost a year ago. an 80 on a sprint course is good for most. you can beat the piss out of it and not get to outa control. a 125 demands respect. anyone who talks of more motor is either on a big track or full of shit. i highly rec owning one at least for 1season. used can be had for 2k. most fun driving i think ive had.
  5. id bet its more than that. more like hundreds of thousands. i would say that running a 4mill in trenched cases will have no noticable effects to 99% of the banshee owners out there. i broke my stuffed cases on my shifter cart and went back together with stock cases with no noticable change.
  6. Looks like the tach drive boss is open, or is that just a shadow?
  7. Has it been fired? what bore cheetah?
  8. really? 6500 for how much weight reduction?
  9. Can you by these straight from hin? does he have an online store?
  10. http://pages.ebay.com/motors/link/?nav=item.view&id=181242566212 Check it out. First kit like it i have seen.
  11. Does this happen on both cyl or just one?
  12. Sounds like a good project for you. measure it all up and report back. thanks for your valued contribution to this forum.
  13. whats up with that. cp not producing big cylinders right now?
  14. Not to be a dick but when stuff like this is for sale it just lowers everyone elses prices. Check out ebay. 7 mil crank and complete topend at 550 right now. ust sayin most would buy a complete setup before just a cylinder. its just a matter of finding the right buyer. glws
  15. Not a kit but check www.probolt-usa.com they have alum,ti,and stainless with multiple style heads.
  16. please explain this process on a dome that is stepped for a stroker motor
  17. Why dont you just trade shafts. the rest should be interchangable. just a thought
  18. Doubt it. i think this is just grudge races for halloween. wanted to run the series for points but something always comes up. maybe next year
  19. I was implying that the reason they havent been snatched up is because like you and cam stated they are priced for someone already set on building one and by the time they are done getting the remaining parts they will be near kit price anyway. 500 was a sell it quick price. people who dont even need it would buy at 500. Sure the economy sucks if your selling. its great if your buying though.
  20. Loads on gears and bearings in an auto car trans are totally different then a banshee. only reason to consider it is if your always tearing the engine down like on a drag bike.
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