Word of advise. those pipes are not durable for trail type riding. the will break mounts and maybe the stingers from all the bouncing. recomend you sell them now before they are woth less and get silenced inframes. plus most places check for sound limits and those are not even close to being legal
You run alky instead of gas. not mixed with it. I run at 32:1. make sure your oil is alky compatible. i run klotz supertechniplate. check automotive speed shops or if you have local speedway racers check with them.
Those stingers look long as hell. the necks on them look way bigger than most. props for following through from idea to a finished part. Very cool keep up the good work
I was told not to mig as possible wire stick out or spatter on inside could someday dislodge and find its way into the engine. same with turbo headers. Look at raw shearers. stingers look brazed on but main seam is mig?
I was thinking about this yesterday what are the pros and cons of brazing vs tig on a exhaust pipe. sure would be cheaper initial investment wise. also did you make or buy the exh flange. bought some dm pipes and need to change them. looking for some 1.9 flanges.
In your first post you stated 10 cub. You need newer chariot intakes for large carbs. The bolt spread for the intake boots are different on the chariots. upps are supposed to work. post pics of prev stated items and we can get you close. i might have some gas needle/seat and slide needles laying around as well.i believe 10mm by 74.5 is a 535
A 10mil cub is not a 535. first figure out your intakes to get the carbs to fit. then post pics of pj set ups. lastly we will need number and pic of float needle and seat to determine if they are for gas/alky pump/gravity etc. I personally feel they are to big for a 10cub. i ran 40mm on my 14cub
Ask yourself this, when the piston stuck to the cyl and it locked up the tires a major back load was put on the engine. do you feel lucky and think the rod is perfectly straight? are you gonna reuse it then wonder what happened when it breaks?
It amazes me that those of you who know what your talking about (you know who you are) continue to give advice to these fucksticks that refuse to take it. i have given up on most newbes on here as they refuse to listen to reason. this bike will be getting ruined in the near future.
That little motor will be comparable to a 421. just focus on fitting the engine in. no need to stretch the front. bout 10" out the back is all you need.