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Everything posted by ticktock

  1. No pictures. Couldn't take the time to hit the return key on te keyboard holy fucking batshit. It's prolly Danny from NC
  2. JJandA Hillshooter, (Gun Drilled) 26-30” Billet Carrier Chariot Thumb Throttle Drag Tank Rear Brake Hub Front Hubs Fenders Rear Shaw 39PWK Gas Carbs Adam
  3. Ahh cool. I am in Bahrain too. Living in Amwaj. Where do you ride at? Adam
  4. Correct, It oxidizes - Pretty much the same thing except on non-ferrous metals. adam
  5. If the cases are that tight something is wrong. There are 8 nuts on the bottom, 8 bolts on the top and the strap across the bearing behind the clutch. If you are going to try to get the cases apart with the socket/all thread method make sure to distribute the force with something bigger than a small socket as you will break the cases. A piece of steel the entire length of the Mag area would be best. Adam
  6. Might want to PM your question to Wildcardracing or Mullengineering. Both Brandon's are pretty hip to this. Adam
  7. Tyson repaired an override for a friend of mine. It was quick and it runs strong.
  8. Passion Racing has the cheapest Spur Gears on the Market @$340.00. Purchase theirs and you will have enough money left over for beer.
  9. I am interested in some bottom end parts. If you split this up
  10. You would love to ride my KFX. Cams, DASA and PCV
  11. Yea. EZ spring + modded shift star. I guess you missed that
  12. What mods do you have? Override + shift star + shift shaft + EZ Spring? If so use a stock spring. Adam
  13. You are going to need the right size bearings ID/OD/W. You will need a piece of pipe for a center spacer and the bearings you can get at NAPA. Banshee: 35/62/14 YFZ: 40/62/12
  14. If you want a 250r get it. It is the most amazing machine ever built. The ESR 370 PV is amazing. Arm ripping power in all aspects of the power band and the chassis has been the basis for nearly all sport ATVs. Remember when they raced 2 strokes everyone based it off the geometry. There are so many parts available today it is awesome. ESR has everything from new cases to cylinders and Honda still produces nearly all parts for the bike due to its popularity. Hope that helps Adam
  15. Haha, you suck WCJ's dick more than his girlfriend. If the guy didn't try to lecture everyone every time he posts some shit we might believe him more.
  16. It's actually .0900 of a JP or 9hundredths, close to 1/10 bUt not really!
  17. If you are looking for bigbore non-nickle There are a few options. Rdz cylinders, Athena kits (these will require someone with knowledge of porting them as the articles I have read say they are not good as cast). What about SR-71 cylinders? Twister cylinders are also an option. Adam
  18. When you hit 88 you will be going back in time. 86 is fast on a short wheel based bike and without a flux capacitor you never know where you will end up. Adam
  19. Haven't we been saying that???
  20. I put mine in the same spot. I mounted it higher but still under the front plastic. adam
  21. The GX(something) kit on eBay for 32$ is good. I had no problems when I rebuilt the carbs with no further issues with that kit. http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=230699589749&index=4&nav=SEARCH&nid=81851210898
  22. You know Worst.. He's a great guy, he would rather owe you for a lifetime than cheat you out of a dollar
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