Does anyone know or can anyone measure their pro flow foam filter billet adapter and tell me the diameter from outside to outside edge please?
I've searched around on google and couldnt find the diameter. I want to fabricate one myself out of aluminum.
Puddles that go half way up my tyre. Im only going off what I've been reading on here. A lot of people say don't take off lid if riding in areas with a lot of puddles/water.
Well my planned mods are. DMC 916 (already on), pro flow foam filter and no snorkel with lid on but holes drilled through it.
My elevation is 3500-4000ft and temps are around 50-70F
Yes there is place where I can take it to 4th though something else I just thought about. Where I live is nearly sea level and where I ride is 3500-4000ft above sea level. If I jet it near home it won't be right jetting, right?
I think you kind of missed the point lol. I cant do a plug chop because to do a plug chop I need to ride it and WOT till sixth gear. I cant do that since I live in the city and there is nowhere nearby where I can do that.
I know plug chop is better but since I cant really do plug chops cause I dont have anywhere nearby to take it for a quick ride, I was wondering how good the choke trick works for getting jetting right VS the plug chop?
My cousin had the same problem. turned out to be the parking break. The parking break was off from the handle but was still on cause it was getting stuck at the axle.
I can't do plug chops because I live near the city and there's no place nearby to take it for a ride to do a plug chop. Also I can't keep lid off because I ride on trails and fire trails and there's always puddles so water will get in.
Is there anyway of doing it without a plug chop?