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Everything posted by Burke

  1. 2 things... 1) What the fuck is Twitter? 2) Fuck off Pissgrips!!
  2. I'd do a leak down and compression test in case you may have fucked up a seal with the pressure washer, and then start pulling electrical connections apart and drying them out and filling them with dielectric grease
  3. maybe even try a little starting fluid and drag it behind a truck too... that will ruin it in no time
  4. just keep trying to start it without doing any of the things that were suggested... you'll either get it to run or completely destroy it trying
  5. The only idea dumber than a streetbike swap, is to leave that front end on there.
  6. here's what I would do... box up all the parts you have and send them to Redline... then have Phelps send the virgin bore cylinders he polished to Redline. Pay Phelps, Pay Cameron, and wait for a badass motor to show back up at your doorstep
  7. if you're considering Niche cylinders... why wouldn't you buy the polished stockers from Phelps?
  8. Burke


    area code comes back to Joisey... so I would assume he wants a big motored skreet racer
  9. Burke


    Mattoon Machine has about the cleanest banshee on the market right now
  10. They are probably one of the most dependable trucks out today, but I don't like the look of them... nowhere near as bad as the new titan though
  11. Burke

    drag bike

    check bearings, bushings, axle alignment, and tire pressure/ circumference
  12. rust will get as bad as you allow it... everything new is thin & cheap... everything rusts up north
  13. I would just like to take this opportunity to nominate this as the dumbest thread since the Banshee rap song and also DDQ as having the gayest signature ever
  14. Hahaha... fucking Tyler buying up all the internets
  15. 42 pilot?... what needle and clip position? 165 should be damn close?... hows the AP diaphrag, squirt strength, and duration?
  16. improper jetting, air leak, or it was just old and worn out junk
  17. But... if it don't say Yamaha, then it ain't one mate
  18. Burke

    Sheep Shears

    Pics? Price? Location?
  19. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=custom+atv+safety+flags
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