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Posts posted by dbalpine

  1. Form riding around in our vans at work u will want one that the cab and box aren't open to each other. Listening to all the parts rattle driving gets old. If u get one with the boxes on the outside make sure the boxes locks are tied to the keyless entry so u don't have to unlock and lock them with a key every time u need something

  2. U know 6 trucks and 730000 doesn't really help your point about how great ford is. When that an avg 121,000 miles a truck and u listed all the stuff needed to make them good. So basicly will the mods needed to keep your 6 trucks going u probably could of bought a new one

  3. I don't know about the Cummings but I know a lot of issues that are caused down the road from the emissions equipment the the sooner it removed the better off u are but if u wait till it got a lot of miles on it. By the time u do the delete u might end up costing yourself more problems.

  4. I don't know where u live 8sheerips. But I know in some states it a 5k plus fine for deleting it and now states that require it dealers will no longer take them as trade in with a delete done. Something to look into as they consider deleting of the emissions system off-road use only

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