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thomas h.

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Everything posted by thomas h.

  1. Mine is ported and polished and is almost twin turbo status.
  2. Or cut the top mount off and rotate the resi out the way and weld it back but the heat would be a problem so I would have to take it off and then recharge the shock
  3. Mother mag and alu I would use a power ball but I'm cheap so I use micro fiber towels Worked great Make sure that your wheels are not clear coated most oem rims are
  4. I though it's plausible but will it proform like normal? If I sold it (value 40$) and picked up a remote shock for 150 (used) Or just modded it 20$ it think it is worth the risk.
  5. I wanted to hear how you would compair st Anthony's vs glamis. Nice build
  6. Would anyone know if I could cut a yfz450 rear shock resi off and make a line to make it a remote to make room other parts?
  7. Wacko already knows how my conversion is built he was pointing out other possible ways my problem might have happend. In my build thread you will see a custome manifold adapting the banshee to the stock Yfz air box. This is a weakness and wanted to test this system. With these jets it ran stronger before the conversion. Besides the cut and twisted pipes the intake system is the bigger suspect it the lack of top end hp. My Yfzshee is the only one with this type of system. Current plans to correct will be remote rear shock to make room for intake tubes and drag pods under the seat. Thanks for posts Thomas Wacko pointed out the possible over heating concern and I never thought of it. Thanks wacko
  8. All three days it was ran the same. Just a lack of power. A big clue was when I took off the outter wear and then it was better I just wanted to see if there could be a test besides a dyno Thanks for the post wackO
  9. Trying to get plenty if air for my Yfzshee Planning on HJR dune port So is their a test ? I've ran it with out filters and with on the street but in the dunes I can tell the real difference
  10. Chrome kick start for banshee. Thanks
  11. Wow big improvement. Be sides 10x better going over sand rail ruts and bumps. When I hill climb the down shift doesnt lift the wheels any more I belive it is because the engine sit forward more so I can put down more hp with out wheelies or lifting the throttle. I really like the way the frame goes threw whoops. Down sides are air filter system and the stingers melted my new boots really bad( fixable) And the chain pops off. I think the rear sprocket is crap ( the alingment is good ) I'm going to add tabs to mount a banshee style chain guide. the air filter I'm going to get a remote resi style rear shock and then make twin intake tubes to mount drag pods under the seat. I'll post up my contourhd video later, editing is new to me and takes forever to do.
  12. Looking for k&n pods pair They have to be in good condition About 10 inch plus Not worried about sizes just that they are long This will be a custom filter setup for my Yfzshee under the seat.
  13. Going to glamis tommarow and back on Friday. Tmjlhesse@gmail.com is email if you want to meet up. I'll be with a blue banshee and white Z400. Black lifed Tacoma with flat trailer Don't know where my brother wants to camp.
  14. I would go non o- ring with high strength rating because the dyno says so.
  15. The needle and seats are replaceable and or use toothpaste and qtips to polish the seat. Hold the carb upside down then if the float it level you should be close
  16. When I first built my Yfzshee I got the lt arms but had only stock shocks 14.25 and it sat like a tt setup so for my first run I made a 2.5 shock spacer to help the factory shock get closer to ride hight. Now I got new yfz450r shocks(18.25). This coming Tuesday and wensday will be its first real trip to glamis. I should have the contour hd camera setup for some footage.
  17. Well a top of the line banshee long travel (15.00 F shock) vs stock yfz(14.25 F shock) Most people would just stay with what they got. But if are going to upgrade your banshee to long travel you might just do the frame swap. My long travel for yfz was brand new on craigs list for about 600.00 . My old banshee parts sold for about the the same. But the cost of the swap was like buying long travel because I don't have a welder
  18. Just depends but most bore at 100-110 psi At lite hone and new rings well it's up to you my guess is about 150 psi but cause if your running race gas then keep it at race gas compression A good question would be how big can the cylinder get be for you risk breaking a ring. Well just give your machineinst the jugs to check when ever you order rings. At some point he will say its time to bore or the bore is scratched so bad it time to bore
  19. I would screw it and use JBWeld to seal the threads Leave alittle out of the hole and grind flat.
  20. Replace the coil Yes it can run but it is showing you a warning If you want replace the caps and install 3 layers of shrink warp over the wires that may be ok repair but I would get new FYI
  21. Ok now just tryed the short stock needle on Max rich clip And it seemed to load up then go hard. Next gear alittle less. But you go slow first gear and it seemed to load up like to much fuel. The best so far might be long needle and 2 nd to rich. Do most banshees have a lag at the bottom I still want to get ride of the bog between low to mid Any in put?
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