I noticed a few things after looking over the bottom end. Little bit of trans fluid on the clutch side of the crank and the trans fluid was very shiny when I drained it. So I split the cases to inspect everything. Looks like the crank seal on the clutch side fell victim to the dirt being inhaled as well. So new set of seals coming. The shiny trans fluid..the clutch looks toast. A few questions.
What clutch? Tusk HD or the Driveline?
Now the trans is out, a good friend of mine runs a machine shop and can modify the shift drum for the bearing and mill down every other dog on the gears. Is this worth the hassle of pulling it all apart? is the "pro-mod" trans good for a woods bike? Backload an issue? Alot of on and off the throttle going to be a problem?
Let me know what you all think.