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Everything posted by Surfrjag

  1. Yeah.. spray carbs clean on demz thengs n c ya herd Dem carbies aint no good wid da floaties outawak or peelit jets plughed up
  2. If you cant share why what your doing works then why did you start the thread? If you wont/cant tell why then so be it. I figure with your ratio you get about 43mph in 1st gear @9999 rpm with 24" tires Would you beleive im at the same mph with a 2nd gear start? Im all about thinking outside the box and discussing why it may/may not work but all your saying is 'my 30+ plus years of experience' ' with other things' ' when setup right' 'it just works' If you look back, i stated im going to try some of the gearing changes so im guessing your rant wasnt directed towards me. If so no skin off my back. Haha With the gearing spread it makes me think your running a heavier flywheel to help pull the gear. Maybe we will never know...
  3. You will always want to do somethin to it 252.. I try to keep my trail snail as is and just ride it but i cant help nut keep thinking about a serval or at least a 4mil.. drag bike i know im gonna keep changing things so i dont even attempt to say anything is permanent. Im gonna bring some pineapple stuff for the red cups! Only after were done riding for the day though. It will knock your socks off and could run in the banshee probobly.
  4. Last time putting it together.. yeah right! Haa
  5. Let me rephrase i guess i missed it.. What aspect of the 1st gear launch helps produce a better 60ft time than the vast majority of smaller lighter more powerfull others?
  6. The question still unanswered is why.. i read the lockup thread. the only point i see to the comparison is that your the man when it comes to clutch tunning
  7. not to many people saying anything.. just checked the weather and it looks like its going to be perfect! I actually like to see a little rain just to keep dust down but I cant argue with a sunny day!
  8. your right, what I was referring to was on paper it SEEMED clear.. so cant you change sprockets to achieve the same gear ratio's from starting gear either 1st or 2nd to be the same? so from there would a closer gear ratio be able to pull 'easier' to the next? maybe with my smaller motor it is and maybe with a larger motor like yours it likes/handles the jump in ratio better? this would equate to a better et in theory but im still trying to grasp the advantage in 1st gear launch for 60'.. your referring to 2 different bikes in your comparison when they most likely have different clutch setups as well as tire and arm length ect... now I need a good tnt day at the track because I am really wanting to do some comparison.. thanks for sharing as always.
  9. thanks for starting this thread. im still trying to see the advantage though when the advantage is clear with the 2nd gear launch like you said the gear spread is shorter. in my experience my faster runs and 60's would always be with a 2nd gear launch. clutch tuning of course seems to be the only way I can pull 2nd gear. maybe changing sprockets out and setting it up for 1st gear launch is something I should try? seems to me that there is more than one way to skin a cat right.. ha im curious if your running through 6th gear in 300ft starting in first gear. if so it seems to me there would be a lot more room for driver error with all that gear changing going on.. im running a 1-5 override and gear to pull through 5th by the finish
  10. I have been using techniplate for years mixed with gas for trail and methanol on drager. Just tore a motor down trail bike after 3 years and looked fresh.. replaced pistons a cylinders only needed a hone. They mic'd right where they were supposed to be.
  11. Looks like ill be there around noon on friday. Camping in same place as last year hopefully, on peninsula right before drag track.
  12. Havent been able to check them out but my parts arrived.. thanks
  13. Check slides are down, choke tube is in place, and bowls are on right carbs so choke works. What is compression? Flywheel should be ok they just come appart sometimes if not oem.
  14. Do it.. but come june 1st weekend too!!
  15. go put it together and bring it on out!! stocker? who has a stocker? yeah right!
  16. sounds like you got a problem.. we need more details and you may do a little research so you can ask a more specific question
  17. Dont we mix oil in our gas/fuel anyways. I would use it because its a cheaper octane boost.
  18. Okok, enough of all the offers i found a deal on a coolhead. U guys are tits!
  19. Payment sent for cpi's coolhead pingle cdi
  20. not even mine to sell. thanks for the offer and thanks for those who try and figure out what they are.
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