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Everything posted by Surfrjag

  1. these are setup for alky with an 18- something needle, ill check tomorrow if your interested. ran well on a 350 motor. 300 shipped
  2. 12 paddle taller hauler's 275 shipped front skinnies for street 140 shipped smoothies 20" tall and 6" wide 150 shipped
  3. That white bike was actually a faster bike it even beat the pr raptor. I think this pic they raced without the bar Usa did better overall than pr from what i saw. phunt got 1st and i got 2nd in one index class. had a lot of fun at this track, nice to meet everyone i got to.
  4. i dont understand the question, but if said motor is setup well already then why not keep motor the same.. for sake of discussion what is price of building a 115 rod stock crank? my understanding is, that it runs around $450? for about that price you can true and weld a stock crank and port your cylinders and be ahead of the game. im also thinking that if someone wants to put $450 into a crank then why wouldnt they be porting the cylinders and modifying the head anyways. if so, they would be once again ahead by going ahead with the 4 mil. even if you do run the spacer place temporarally, the next step would net more overall power (porting and 4mil domes)
  5. Rebuild topend unless you did comp test wrong. Hold throttle wide open and kick till needle stops
  6. Air filter clean? Pipes not clogged with rats nest? What main jets are in it?
  7. Find out what jets are in it and check/replace plugs
  8. So for about the same price someone can be close to your 4mil? Why not just go to a 4mil or better yet just stay with a 350 stock rod "well built" and still be close.
  9. Could the domes be to agressive for the pump gas?
  10. Might start with 55pilot 160main and cel needle. Should be alittle rich and work your way down till its right.
  11. Are the slides in the right direction? Maybe you need to go leaner did you check plugs?
  12. Cut and weld one would take 15 mins and its free..
  13. Pr is comin on strong. Us going to have any heavy hitters there?
  14. Does choke have no effect? I think the bowls could be swapped and not letting choke circuit get fuel.
  15. They are fine i just hate to see someone bore 64mm cylinders out to 66. Kindof a waist to do that imo
  16. 4mil or not the power is going to be in the porting. Why go to 66mm on cylinders though? You will be glad you went ahead and got a good crank in. Thats the heart of the power plant..
  17. Just thought i would add that as i asked what needle he was going to be using. I like the advice you had tricked. Lol
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