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Everything posted by Surfrjag

  1. Well im stickin my neck out... boss ordered. I will report baack!
  2. Isnt there a way to check if its stolen before you try this?
  3. Ill likely be there in september. Should be a good turnout
  4. Whats junk about it? What do you like about it?
  5. Have you tried them? I was thinking of running one... Feel free to tell me you run a jja and how awsome it is.
  6. I run pro circuits and a 14-43 gear. if you run into water often you will want to keep your airbox with a proflo uni filter.
  7. sounds like you have an overide. neutral down 2-5
  8. just because its there cover doesnt mean they built the motor. best thing to do is check everything over yourself to see what exactly you have...
  9. So if i put slicks on and gain 10hp.. did i really gain 10hp? Some bangshees go 100mph in 3rd gear right.. haha only on craigslist
  10. Choke tube on? Bowls on the right sides? float height checked?
  11. 4mil stock cyl with cpi's gets my vote. But you already knew that
  12. Check compression Get a longer swingarm put more air in your rear tires.
  13. If you cant get the pushrod out its likely mushroomed om the actuator side or welded inside the shaft. Means split the cases...
  14. Did someone put slime in tire? Axle isnt bent is it? Wheels been drilled to fit yamaha?
  15. Any +12 arm considered.. race is comin up!
  16. They can be replaced how the hell did you do that? Lol a stud removing tool or carefully with some vice grips. You dont want to gouge the surface of the cyl.
  17. Take it to a machine shop that can bore it and ask them.
  18. 10 mil? Dang! Great seller guys!!
  19. The red line was with the modded head. Others were stock
  20. if numbers were what i was chasing i bet vforce reeds and some slicks on the dyno would help. for anyone who knows the intent of a dyno, its to show tune and power delivery changes. I will be the first to tell you that the peak numbers are not impressive but i wanted to see a curve like that from a banshee. and we did!
  21. i guess i can elaborate some by showing an example of another dyno pull from a yfz450 with full pipe, intake, and power comander. this should be a better curve for mx style right? only has 40hp on my dyno.. up from 32 before the tune. as you can see though the curve got better after adding some fuel. thanks for the h8 post cam. lol
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