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Everything posted by Surfrjag

  1. what reeds? if stock or boysen reeds then stock pilot and 330 main if vf4's then 27.5 pilot and 330 main
  2. Mine is stuck too. So i know it wont fall out.. Sorry u cant make it bro. Next time i guess
  3. U sure you wont be to buisy replacing your subframe or trying to straighten your a arms?
  4. Im drivin 3hrs got her running today!
  5. Good keep the dust down and get the track right!
  6. I haven't been yet this year, definitely jonesin
  7. Ready already? There are plenty of ditches to get your truck stuck in. Lol
  8. gotta do what you gotta do.. ill take a pic or 2 for ya
  9. don't keep riding it or you will be destroying the new clutch either its not adjusted properly or your using some oil that's not ment for a wet clutch
  10. use a slingshot. it can fit under stock cover
  11. Looking for 2 good ones.
  12. I have been taking them out for a while now.. along with tors. some people may like to keep them though..
  13. im getting ready to be ready... I have all the parts.. it will run!
  14. getting ready and excited to do some riding!
  15. I posted to see if anyone had issues with boss carriers. Nobody has so i got one. If it junk ill report so.
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