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Everything posted by Surfrjag

  1. Why arent they in stock if they are your own a arms?
  2. Oh those kind... like a mystery box
  3. Polish the seats, check float height. Then new needle valves. what kind of angle are they at on the bike?
  4. Check your reeds. If air is coming back thru then gas will be on air filter
  5. Swinger switch.. totally not what i thought. Haaa
  6. Im not near him dookie... haha
  7. Could be a couple issues... Bad radiator cap bad water pump impeller or gear Jetting way off Headgasket leak
  8. Thays pretty awsome.. Big question. How much? Edit: if i have to ask i cant afford it.. ha
  9. Damn there he is! We missed u out there!
  10. there is a race sep 20th weekend I think
  11. who wants to go again in September?
  12. look up Roberts track and trail, its not to far from you at all. then there is taskers gap in northern va and slades park in surry. busco beach is the place to go but its a couple hrs from you...
  13. i guess I cant tune because I have tried using the airstrikers and took forever to get close to right and was never right on. put on some pwk's on and got it running perfect on the first try. my advice.. get rid of them and get pwk's
  14. lucky.. its raining here but we are almost ready to leave. c u there!
  15. so he can get footage of dirt flying at him
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