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Everything posted by possum

  1. Yes there is more stress on the rollers with -1.5
  2. I usually just laugh at overpriced stuff then click the back button and go to the next ad.
  3. The gussets arent heavy enough to make a difference. To warrant the strength loss.
  4. Lower the rear of the bike down. Loosen up your coil adjustment.
  5. Yea we were but ive built and understood what i need from day 1. I didnt start out and say here "builder" i wanna be fast, heres my credit card. I say call several builders and read up on here and other forums to learn if ur new. Then ask for specific parts and setups from a builder once u know what u want for the most part. As almost every builder will say something different. Thats why i said what i said earlier!
  6. Im so sick of hearing call a builder to see what they recommend or just send them your motor and give them a credit card.. Newbies
  7. I also feel 1st gear starts pull longer out of the hole with less tire spin. Atleast when ur under 100 hp.
  8. What size motor and hp? 535 also?
  9. What gear were u topping out in up hill and flat?
  10. Try 2 gear start wih that gearing or go up two teeth up front like nieskies said.
  11. I just got a jja so i need sprockets. a 41 preferably, but smaller or bigger will do to. Or 2 or 3 different sizes. Anyone got any extras for cheap?
  12. Thanks. These will do nice on my newly aquired 10 cub!
  13. Does it seem to be geared to low on takeoff?
  14. 12 paddle and dont look back!!!! Then play with gearing
  15. I have 2 sets of 22-11-8 12 paddle. One is 73 ro at just over 22" and the other is 75 ro at 23". I like a taller tire myself cause they grab harder. And theres no slide and thats what i like. Maximum hook.
  16. 16-41 12 paddle 22" /done!
  17. No thank you..I cant wait. And im sure u cant wait.. 18dm is gonna be ridiculous!!
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