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Everything posted by possum

  1. possum

    gear change

    yup that will work. According to my calculations. 15-41 to 15-43 will yield very close to my gearing ratios with smaller tires.
  2. possum

    gear change

    Im running 23" 74 rollouts. Tire size plays a big role. 17-43 for 1st gear starts. 16-41 wasnt bad either. but that was for the hill. now im at 15-43 2nd gear starts and the 10 cub likes it a lil better.. all hill gearing!
  3. possum

    gear change

    Im running 23" 74 rollouts. Tire size plays a big role. 17-43 for 1st gear starts. 16-41 wasnt bad either. but that was for the hill. now im at 15-43 2nd gear starts and the 10 cub likes it a lil better.. all hill gearing!
  4. possum

    1/8 set up

    just 4 stock springs? interesting.
  5. possum

    1/8 set up

    what weight is on the lockup now?
  6. if everything is good. I guess check the engagment of the pressure plate. adjust the pancake bearing where it free spins when the clutch lever is out.
  7. drilled out center dump tubes somewhere around .118 .120 with drilled main jets as well. Then power jets added with oversized bowls usually or on a fuel pump with pumper style carbs. Thats the main modifications for alky.
  8. bushnell ftw. hahaha but for reals why lie. Its ok to be slow.. just makes you sound ridiculous if someone claims stupid numbers. imo
  9. Pipe dont even have a brain and its beaten you up!
  10. now wait till you actually ride something fast. you will need more the velcro to keep your hands on the grips.. haha
  11. whos 4 mil does 83 on a hill?
  12. if you know your deck height. "changes with whatever base gasket your running". then ask what the step is on those domes.. then you know if they will work or not. Bam.
  13. thats the only reason i turned away from alky on my duner. my friend was out of alky before i went through 1/4 tank of race fuel. its not even close. especially on a bigger motor.
  14. get a longer chain. So when you wanna run bigger gears you can make 2 link, 4 link pieces to add on with another master. Steel is all most ever use.
  15. the "avgas" one gets me everytime.
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