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Everything posted by possum

  1. bolt the aarms and shock to the lower mount then bolt the upper tabs to the shock and lean it up against the frame rail and center the shock. cause it does move left and right. This is the easiest way to get it dead center. With the correct angles and pitch for the tabs. So the shocks just drop in when assembling.
  2. more often then not "custom" domes are premade from trial and error. Not to you're motor. Every builder has predetermined specs for certain builds and needs of the customer. Like they have a dome for each size motor they like 95% of the time. Some builders like more or less band width, some recommend smaller cc domes, some like different squish clearance etc.... This doesnt mean they are not good domes. just ask questions. There has been plenty of custom domes "for a motor" sold that detonate or blow motors up.
  3. the intake can be ported plenty on a cub.
  4. Didnt know people left these mounts off. To each their own.
  5. buy crank new for sure. You will thank yourself later.
  6. Well in my case I know what I need. And I order th accordingly. But like mentioned here, they should come in the piston box. And from what i have ever seen they never do. But there is shops that give out those wang wristpin bearings.
  7. Top quality touch up with fingernail polish.
  8. #1 Buy a few clues how to fabricate. #2 find pictures for ideas. #3 start building.
  9. If a "builder" set it up. It must be right.
  10. its not always aftermarket chassis. People make a loop and move the top rear shock mount up and back for a better angle. modified stock chassis
  11. I think someone owes you a lil money! I wonder how shops sell junk then the people that bought this said junk sell that junk again and again and so on. And its all "Ok" to do.
  12. well that frame obviously has the shock moved up and back like many do. A link wont work on that arm. pretty easy to see.
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