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Everything posted by possum

  1. If you cant fugure this out forget about measuring step, deck with calipers and feeler gauges.
  2. ffs both sides ment both sides of piston at once. torque the head with orings. Either hold 2 pieces of solder in the same hole opposite side of eachother. ir just one on one side. inline with wrist pin. you guys are making this way to hard. without orings or being torqued will give you innacurrate readings
  3. make sure you keep orings in there. I donit through the plug hole. I do both sides at once and one side at a time. reads accurate everytime.
  4. certain builders cut domes to whatever deck height you give them, some dont. Sounds like Mat suggested the modquads cause for what your doing there prob ismt much to be gained from him cutting some from what it sounds like. Easy fix now do this: 1. remove cylinder 2. clean up and put silicone of choice as a gasket at base 3. torque and measure deck height for reference 4. measure step in domes for reference the install 5. recheck squish .040 is optimal but .050 is fine also. when measuring the deck height, and step add them together the usually .010 for the orings. theres your squish without bolting up.
  5. steaight sealent/silicone is just fine. and lower port timings is a good thing in most cases. Also I thought cubs call for .012
  6. This is what happens with junk backing plates. mattoon backing plate or stock plate off the stock basket.
  7. yes this trans didnt like to shift since i got it. There was drum issues as well. thats all fixed up now. tricked I just got lucky.
  8. looks sweet man. looks even better on the bike!
  9. ^^ thats pumper to gravity conversion. You can switch it back to gas by switching out the main tube assembly from a parts carb. Its held down with the torx screws . 2 minute job.
  10. Have aluminum skid plate as well 315 shipped
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