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Everything posted by possum

  1. Im not speaking much because some of you guys already have a predetermined thought about what happened. Theres nothing I can say to change your mind. and I dont care to change your mind. I dont know you people and im juat waisting my time explaining. so ill say this. ive already said in a post I sent him multiple long paragraph texts answering his questions with minutes each time. Then come to find out he was not getting more then 1/1 text. so like 2 sentences max. if it was 2 or 3 or 4 texts in one message he didn0t get it. We figured this out yesterday. And he responded with that explains the miscommunication, he dont know why he phine is doing that. So I said thats why all you got was "send them back". because that was one of my last texts after about 7 or 8. And he wasnt responding to my texts. So he comes on here a few hours ago and says all I said was "send them back". mind you we just clarified all this yesterday. This dude is on drugs or has multiple personalitys And dave, If he would of came off somewhat normal to me. I would have went way out of my way to help him. because I would feel bad. prob just refund him and he can keep em and get 1 arm made new. But he came off on me like he did on here what 6 hours after he recieved them. Even before he got my texts because he wasnt getting them. So He decided to blow it up. So now im gonna drag this out for a year if I can. teach him a lesson his father should have! I have 2 chassis/arm builders that will duplicate that arm new for me. for a reasonable price. might do that. The last text he sent me was refund me all money plus fees and ill ship them back, or hes gonna file a claim. I responded with Im not paying you so make a claim. end of story! and I still havent got a paypal claim. lol
  2. No I didnt really want your junk spindle mounts. If I took them to you, whats the worst that xoukd of happened? You dont want them after looking at them. so what. Im not even talking about that instance. Im talking about a few posts up YOU just said you will give me 100!! I would chop them all up with a cutoff wheel before I sold or gave them to you. I was gonna give them to you, until you opened your deltaco hungry mouth. So looks like sprink just came up on a set.
  3. Who do you think you are. So you didnt just want them. gtfoh
  4. If someone wants the Arms pm me. I will give them to you.
  5. nice lil break down there tricked
  6. Just wait and see what I do with the arms when I get them back. haha
  7. Are you on drugs? Or is there something bothering you besides this deal? Its just aarms man. I already said ill refund you if you want. send them back no biggie. Or file paypal and see how quick that takes. I do t care either way! Im trying to be nice here. but your really annoying me!
  8. Wow this dude is a nut case! I answered all his texts yesterday in paragraphs. supposetly he never got them. So hes been freaking out like why did I sent him junk and acting like im not gonna pay him back. So I said if your not happy send them back and ill refund you your complete payment and half the shipping back to me. To me that fair since I said in the ad one has been repaired. Then he comes on here yeaterday posting it like no one is gonna know whos arms thise were.. lol This dude has mental issues. Ive never delt with this. usually if someone is not happy I say if your unhappy send them back and ill refund you. no big deal. This guy is not gonna tell me how its gonna be. he thinks im refunding him without getting my arms back first. Anyway I piss on $300.00 like I care I bought these off hq. So there goes your theory about this should not be sold here. Do you know how much complete junk ive bought from here. and this deal is not one of them. The arm is obviously a lil tweaked. never realized it. but its a solid arm and there is no functionality issues with it whatsoever. Im done here. let me text this psychopath back.
  9. its a bolt thats made off center. it adjusts your shift shaft to center.
  10. been using knockoffs a long time. never ever had an issue. knock on wood.
  11. with washer and rubber seal in both. lmk
  12. interested in slingshot if you got one
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