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Everything posted by possum

  1. neutral is 6th thats why theres no 6th. And all you need is a 2-5. but you can get a n down 1-5 if you need or want first. bunch of morons
  2. possum

    parts needed

    i got some lights 40+ shipping
  3. possum

    paddle wear

    Sand can wear down the paddles over time. I have a rounded set of extremes about 12 yrs old
  4. You got some good prices. If I didnt paint myself I would let you do a set for me for sure at that price range. I wouldnt touch this stuff for your prices. your stuff looks pretty good.
  5. leave it up. So we can all go back and see how retarded bbp and beef m4m are.
  6. Whatever you do dont sell that 10 bucks worth of scrap metal to that buster BEEF.
  7. oh and bbp if you notice I text you in all single texts just now and it went through just fine.
  8. What wall thickness do you use for tube,gussets,and carrier. Just curious
  9. Yea your right. I aint like wheelman or these douche bags like that midget that protect him. B.b.p although I dont like you, your money has been refunded just now! And keep the Aarms for free. Viking or Metal tech will build you another if needed. Use that money to get another made. And you will have a nice set for under 200 bucks after shipping. Dont talk to me again, and lets leave it at that!
  10. You dont think I know how it feels. read what rubberneck said! I spent 2Gs on a paper weight. everything needed replaced. what did I do after getting nowhere, went and bought everything new. And it running hard till this day. Without seeing a dime back. Wheelman said Since I blew it out of proportion Hes not gonna work with me no more"basically" . So get a clue before you pop off at the mouth. Im the last one to screw somebody. like I said Im the type of person that if he was unhappy and was truly bummed about the arm. I woulda gave him the set for free probably. Like I care bout 300 bucks. So when wheelman does it on 2000 bucks its OK. When I do it, on 300 im the worst person alive. gtfoh
  11. Do you read? 6 hours till he made this post. And that seems normal to you? And did you read where I said"if he came to me right". I would gladly do what I can to help the guy. What about that do you not understand? Is the weed killin your brain? So if you or ride.race.loser or that midget think its wrong of me to feel or react this way because of the way he reacted to me! well then eat a bowl of dicks.
  12. Well not 10bux of scrap metal. you offered 100 before you backtracked again. So its 100 bux worth of good aarms according to you. Cause you have a guy to build the other arm remember. Why am I talking to you anyway. Your beneath me peasant!
  13. Like I said 57 times, he will be refunded as soon as I get my 10 bucks worth of scrap metal back. thats just how it goes. PERIOD
  14. Well you got it wrong. And ill be where you are again soon enough!
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