why do you care what windy thinks. you already said and are convinced hes a fraud. You wanna hear his opinions on a dyno comparison, ask him how the power feels(probably stronger then your 24dm). And now pics. I wouldnt respomd to you either.
sprink should be a murder lawyer. You already convinced everyone this guy is incompetent. lol except people with brains. So he doesnt know the terminolgy on a piston or know what a stepped dome is. I guess that means he doesnt know what a stroker looks like or what a stock 350 looks like. lol
Only women call the cops over internet threats. And if you're a cop reading this and you show up at someones door over thus nonsense, you might be a women.
I just see to many people use except where accept goes. Its not even close to the same. Now when people mix up there, their and they're. That doesnt bother me really. Thats just getting to technical. haha
I read your writeup radar, and I can vouch for it. I set my springs up properly and dune my bike all over and havent had ANY fork wear over 2 dune seasons.
pull the stem and you can weld onto the stopper area of stem itself. get some type of material to build it up and weld. then you can grind down till it turns the max amount without locking hyperextended. I do this all the time especially on modded frames.