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Everything posted by Rustynail

  1. Yeah im going to build one from scratch but in the mean time could you send me pics and details of how you did yours? genxr7@gmailcom
  2. 1 liter of oil to 25 liters of gas would be 25:1. so with 500mL which i believe is 1/2 a liter would make your ratio 50:1.... Most widely used on banshees is 32:1 some run 40:1 but 50:1 is lean. Probably a seizure due to not enough oil in premix.
  3. pics please...send to genxr7@gmail.com if you cant post here.
  4. If you do alot of trail and woods riding, I would say kfx 450. It is the only one with reverse. But for duning i like the yamaha's.
  5. My last two feb trips was mid 20's when we got there. As long as you dress for the weather you can ride in any weather. Soon as Jeff gets my motor done and i get it in i will be looking to go down there. Do you pull a trailer...cuz if you do i would throw my bike on it and drive seperate.
  6. Looking for a set of rocket R2's....Chrome black bare IDK...send txt 785-893-2848
  7. I believe vegas jeff can shave your stock one and add a custom made cover for it.
  8. Actually, afro engineered is the more politically correct way to say it....As it does not use the N word. Sorry just being a post whore.
  9. Bump $40 shipped. Someone needs these
  10. I have two 17cc domes for stock stroke, stock cylinder banshee. These are in great condition. NO pitting at all. Fit Pro Design and noss head and some others...Will be out of town till monday. Txt me at 785-893-2848.....................$45 shipped to your door. ">">
  11. Nice bike....I would lose the old school headlights though!
  12. Did you do a search in the box before you posted this? This has been gone over a million times. 32:1 Klottz on Premium worked well for me...
  13. Carbs Bought...Thanks Banshee HQ
  14. At little sahara you can ride your shit right into town...Just stay on the marked trails!
  15. Iv been to LS Oklahoma the last two feb's and its awesome cuz no one else is there in winter. temps have ranged from 26 to 65 degrees..sometimes all within the same weekend.
  16. Its Costing me around $2500 just to have my 4 mill built....that is a steal for this whole bike....Somebody buy this sucker up!!!
  17. Removed the dot and worked for me but your asking about 1k too much...Not trying to bust you balls just being honest
  18. I love the passion and the rivalry...But no shit talking boys. Next year is next year. And dont decide it on 1 race. Lets see who the most consistent is over several races....But Tyler needs to diet to make it fair lol.
  19. cheesy nerf bars....might work if your riding backwards
  20. That boost bottle does nothing for hp and can cause your intake boots to crack...someone on here can hook you up with a factory tube to replace it...all you can really do is to take the carbs and reeds off and see if the intakes of the cylinders have been ported. Does it have an aftermarket head with interchangable domes?
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