Well, I have the pro design adapter kit on my banshee, with the pro design foam filter. I'm not running an air box lid, and am wanting to get an outerwears for the filter. The problem is, I can't seem to locate one for it. Ebay sorts the outerwears by make, model, and year but this isn't the same size filter as the stock one for the banshee. I'm needing to get this before my dune trip on Thanksgiving so if someone can help link me to one on ebay i'd very much appreciate it. And before people tell me to call fast, I did and they don't have the right size. Here is a link to the filter I have h ttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Pro-Design-Pro-Flow-Foam-Filter-Intake-Banshee-YFZ-350-/200645203574?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item2eb762d676 Thanks in advance!