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  • My Banshee (optional)
    banshee 2002 fmf tune durablue air filter dg bumper

brob4's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. HEY man hows the XC Banshee coming ?

  2. now i think im on the right way , is there someone try the trinity simgle carb ? i read that this mod gives more low / mid power delivery ?
  3. 1-the principal use of the bike will be trail and recreational riding , maybe some ice race 2-for now the only thing that worry me is all about jetting , for now i have fmf gold series pipes , and durablue air filter , ive install 260 jet for winter and when ive got the bike the carbs have 220 ,some tells me 260 is enough and other ones tell me there is not enough 3-i run the engine with klotz for 40:1 ratio and the bike have 2 br8es spark plugs , and i dont know why but ,the bike burn a lot of them does br8eix will be better? 4-does boost bottles are good improvments ? what is the effect of this part ?
  4. hi everyone , ive just bought a 2002 yamaha banshee and i rode 4 strokes since 8 years , my friend just tell me to try two stokes and i love the banshee, i dont really know how they work perfectly , since i had my banshee i wanted to build a xc bike , but i dont really know what to put to build a bike that will be reliable and fun to ride for xc and small mx track please give some advise thank you ! Rob
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