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Everything posted by Starwriter

  1. Cool! Thanks for letting us know the outcome. I've never had to buy new bulbs, so I can't help you there.
  2. Sounds like either the voltage regulator is unplugged or it's bad. Look at the silver single wire metal box under the seat next to the CDI. Make sure it's plugged in and the ground wire is under 1 of the bolts. If it's plugged in, start it up, rev it up, and check the voltage with a multimeter.
  3. I hope you're planning to do a leakdown test before you tear it apart. With 165 and 55 jets, there's no way it's lean due to the jets. Did you do a leakdown test after you put in the VForce reeds?
  4. http://bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=177584 Maybe he's close to you.
  5. And an impact driver with phillips head bits. Of coarse you also need a hammer to smack it with.
  6. Vent block off plate. Vent on clutch cover not needed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Banshee-Clutch-Cover-Vent-Block-off-Plate-/110747369144?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19c90ebeb8&vxp=mtr
  7. Take the seat off. Measure from the ends of the grips to somewhere on the frame. make it the same on both sides. Then look at the handlebar clamp and see if it looks straight. If it's crooked, the bars are bent. If it's straight, then go down to the bottom and start taking measurements. Measure the tie rods and see if they are the same length. Measure from a common point on the tires to the front bumper bolts. Not likely that the steering stem is twisted. Most common is bent handlebars, followed by misadjusted tie rods, then bent spindle, and finally, the worst, bent frame.
  8. Convince them that this is a "dirt tire".
  9. You bought a twist throttle cable. You need a thumb throttle cable.
  10. It looks to me like the case is hitting the mount where it is bent inwards at the top. I'm thinking the vibration of the case banging against it is what cracked it.
  11. Welcome to BHQ. What country are you in? What are you trying to accomplish?
  12. Air leak or squirrels packed the left pipe full of walnuts. You did a leakdown test after you rebuilt the topend, right?
  13. So, where do you order ASV levers from, to get them in a reasonable amount of time? A few of my bikes came with ASV levers on them when I bought them. Now I need a set for another bike. I saw all the negative feedbacks on ebay for ATV Galaxy that said it took a month to get levers and stuff. So, I decided, scew that! I'll pay more money and get them direct from ASV. They're only about 900 miles from me. I figured they would get here in less than a week. After I ordered them and paid with paypal, the invoice said they would be "shipped out in 5-7 business days". I thought that was bull, but I figured it was just their standard worst case disclaimer. Nope, after not getting levers for 11 days, I called them to check the status. "They should ship out this week". Strangely enough, a few hours later, I get emailed a tracking number. So, bottom line, it takes at least 2 weeks to get levers direct from ASV.
  14. Use a multimeter. Check for voltage at the voltage regulator. Check for voltage at the power wire to the headlight switch. If you have no voltage anywhere, use the ohm setting to check the stator windings. If you just plug new bulbs in and the voltage regulator is bad or unplugged, you'll just blow the new bulbs. Here's the electrical FAQ. http://bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=133650
  15. The only way they could be related is if the handle bar switch connector is unplugged. The most likely thing on the kill switch is that the plastic board piece inside the housing has popped out of place and the sliding switch contact is not touching it or a wire is broke off at the solder connection on the board. Common problems. Cut and resolder the wires. I haven't taken the time to figure out a solution for the board slipping out of place, but probably best to use epoxy or a screw to hold that piece in the slot. As for the lights, you're going to have to track that down yourself with a multimeter.
  16. Wow, that's really cool. Didn't know that.
  17. ^agreed. Ask around for local recommendations. There's a shop local to me that builds bad ass 4 strokes, but I wouldn't let them check the air in the tires on any of my 2 stroke bikes.
  18. His and hers for $12,495. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-2006-Yamaha-Banshee-Excellent-Condition-Matching-Banshees-NR-/141360102230?forcerrptr=true&hash=item20e9b7fb56&item=141360102230&pt=ATVs
  19. This is like saying, "My stomach hurts. What do you think is the problem?" Indigestion or appendicitis. Could be lots of things. Simplest thing would be that the stator bolts backed out and jammed against the flywheel. Next easiest would be that something fell apart inside the clutch cover and jammed in between the gears. Now, the most likely scenario is that the crank seized up, which would mean a complete motor teardown. Usually if a piston seizes in the cylinder, it will crank over once it cools down. Still junk, but that's a symptom. Pull the spark plugs out and see if they have grey specks on them, or if the ground strap is smashed. Then pull the exhaust and look up into the exhaust ports. See if the pistons look scored. If all that looks good, pull the stator cover and inspect. If that looks OK, buy a Clymer manual and pull the clutch cover and inspect. Do NOT start ripping into this thing without a manual. No matter what you find or what route you take, DO A LEAKDOWN TEST BEFORE YOU PULL THE CYLINDERS" You didn't pour straight gas into it, did you?
  20. 1. being more than two but fewer than many in number or kind: several ways of doing it. So, you want more than 2 cylinders? How many do you want?
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