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Everything posted by lms1977

  1. I cant see any reasonto shot someone cause I cant pay my bills?? I mean shit I want a burger I got no money is it cool if I shot her to get the burger?
  2. no full throttle for guns his mom made him set it up like that if you need a hand bring it down one day
  3. It's probably gonna depend on the dome you used, meaning the angle and width of the squish band, also what cc your running (or overall cr)
  4. I ordered a chain tensioner a while ago it looked good (had my concerns it would not hold up where I ride) it broke in my first ride I emailed them the were gonna send out some replacement parts but I was not willing to pay anymore incase it would break again. In his defense I'm not 100% sure I installed it the way they tell you for off road.. Although I'm pretty sure I did. I was mad and ripped it off in anger at the truck that day without really looking into it. But all in all I was happy with the customer service my questions were answered very fast and I would buy from them again!!!!
  5. This is why I have not come down yet I have turned into a lil pussy and don't really want to get chased and sure don't want to have that on my mind all day
  6. East coast Atv is a site sponser .. Not sure about the instructions thou mine did not come with either but as you said there is only one place to line it up at so that's got to be it.
  7. Depends on what components you put on pipes carbs domes etc.
  8. Amazing how much time a few people have just to try to fuck with people?? Get a life
  9. Good to hear mine also fit nice Amazing how much time a few people have just to try to fuck with people?? Get a life
  10. that is what I'm saying his customers get a product that works PERIOD... not computer layed out porting and what not , no BS hype with all kinds of big words talking over everyones head .. just a motor you can go out and KICK ASS with I'm sure he has plenty of bad dyno #'s but that is what a dyno is for to test and figure out what works!!!! I bet when mailman made 99hp on the dm he wanted to kill himself and a few other people??
  11. is that what you run jk thats insane and I bitch about the 40-45 for 5gal I pay
  12. yea I have seen it .. you know the FUNNY thing is EVERY DYNO CHART we see coming from a MATT SHEARER built motor KICKS ASS.. would be nice to see one impressive one from a passion built sniper setup
  13. I would bet they would work pretty good in the coal
  14. you should check on a price on a 55 gal drum just so we can all laugh ... holy shit that is a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what does premium pump fuel cost ?
  15. I think all anyone wants to see is a few good dyno graphs from a passion build with snipers on it ?? right guys so far by the info posted they just dont stack up IMO some will say they fit better bla bla bla well I have yet to see with my eyes and with all my buddies where they dont fit.. so in the end it sure sounds like if you have shearer build the motor and run his pipes you would be faster , and have a motor with a great curve and power everywhere.!! oh and yea it will also have over rev also why are the dyno runs I saw on youtube with passion motors like 3 sec long pulls are you in the wrong gear or is there no load on the dyno all the others seem to be a lot longer pulls?
  16. I run sunoco purple I think it is 106 motor octane which they call 110 and have had no problems at all.. it $8 something a gallon I get 15 gallons at a time
  17. I did I put a graph of shearers basic 4mil cub up it makes a much better curve
  18. Are you referring to a small 5-10 gallon tank that lets all the air out in like a few seconds? My buddie showed me one one WOW that thing worked!!! You put it on the bead right? At least that is how this one worked
  19. No shit but we all know how that will go.. And for the record I'm not your brother
  20. I try to push down hard on the center of the tire to push air out real quick as I'm putting the air in.. If that don't work after a few minutes I use brake cleaner and a lighter that always works
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