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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2005 banshee, has a lot done to her might list it all one day...

kfx700's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. hey send me a pic of the polished radiator.....email is afritz1990@yahoo.com
  2. I found a company called J&T atv and they have some nice gauges...and ill look into the liqiud filled gauges Thank you for all the help yall....
  3. when i lock the parking brake nothing happens im thinking its jus a broken cable...but is there a common problem that happens to them..I new to the banshee thing so i jus trying to learn...thanks for the help
  4. Ya i was wondering if anyone new of a temp guage for a banshee..i have been looking and only seen the inline ones and one that people used car one but say they only last like a mouth...would a boat one work or dose anyone know of one out there if so please let me know.....
  5. hey man if you still have those wheels can you send me a picture of them...
  6. The whole fourwheeler if so let me know....
  7. hey those front skinnies are they rim and tire or jus the tires....
  8. i need a stock or aftermarket grab bar and tail light for a banshee....let me know something thanks guys
  9. wantin to go riding....

  10. how much you looking to get out of it man....
  11. haha i dont think paddle tires will do much for me here in georgia...lol...i was lookin at the i razor or the like someone said earlyior the oem tires
  12. Anyone know of a good tire for a banshee i want a long lastin tire but one not to agressive....
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