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Everything posted by Fastassbanshee96

  1. What would a 10paddle ripper compare to in an Extream? Both 21-11-8.
  2. What would a 10paddle ripper compare to in an Extream? Both 21-11-8.
  3. I just ran my 14 extreams on my 4mil serval at the drags and it did real good. Pull them no problem. Had to be a little easy off the line cause it only has a +4 arm but once you launched you could give it hell.
  4. Yeah it hasn't made many passes. Probably 10 since I finished it. The subframe is actually strong than it looks. I can sit on the very end of it and it only moves maybe a quarter inch or so. I know it shouldn't move at all.... I'll be hopefully getting on it quite a bit more in the next few weeks and will be making changes/ corrections as they come up. Like I said I'm no builder so this is kinda a learn as I go on a budget. As far as the tank, yes a polished tank is a must and hopefully coming soon.
  5. I'll post some tomorrow when I get to work. I'll tell ya now it's kinda janky lol. I'm working on building my own actual drag axle now. If all goes well it should be very light and very strong but I'll have to wait and see.
  6. Well that kinda makes me feel better. I am by no means a bike builder. Like I said this is my first. I built it on a budget so I did all the work myself. I know that's not always the best route but I tried to do the best I could with what I knew. I probably shouldn't say this but I actually made my own drag axle as well lol.
  7. Thank you. Just can't figure out a plastic color or style. I want to switch the pipes to chrome and both out the left, polish the clutch cover, get a polished stator cover, polish cylinders and head and get my a arms chromed to try and brighten up the powder. As you can see in the pics the powder flops to an almost black color. All the black on it right now I think just makes it to dark and takes away from the powder.
  8. Ok I get what your saying now. I can probably build a new stem and shorten the mounting plate quite a bit to try to correct some of that.
  9. Lol. Yes I know it's on the light side... So far hasn't givin me any troubles though. It's only a track bike. NO DUNES for this one.
  10. What kind of angle should the tie rods be? Tried looking at pics of others but couldn't really find a lot of pics. I believe I made the a arms +5 forward and -2 per side.
  11. So far everything has held up with the steering. Doesn't seem to be to bad. As for the sub frame, no there isn't a lot at all but it's a track only bike. Thinking about putting something in the rear of the subframe to the swingarm but not sure. If it gives me any problems that will be the next route... This is my first build and first time bending/ fabing tube or really anything chassis related.
  12. Looking for opinions on what color and style front plastics. Let me know what you think. What to change a lot of the black to chrome and polish...
  13. Who's going this weekend? And what are you bringing?
  14. You need these Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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