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Everything posted by Fastassbanshee96

  1. Not 100% what they are now but I paid 600. In my opinion the chrome isn't the best. I'm getting mine replated. But there bad ass pipes.
  2. Is there any kind of restrictions as far as exhaust? Like spark arrestors or anything.
  3. Yeah I was going to say that doesn't sound right. Don't really have any experience with either pipe but still I think shear would come out on top between those.
  4. I run R2s on mine and love them and I ride a lot of woods too.
  5. Yep ended up being the cdi box. Everything is all good now.
  6. I just did a orange and black one. Pics are in my sig
  7. Yeah I don't know how to tell if the switch's are bad without swapping them out. I've checked screws and everything is tight that I've checked.
  8. So the stator tested fine, pickup coil fine..... What else could it be. Do you guys think the cdi could have gone bad.
  9. Yeah I'm going to check that today. What's the resistance supposed to be on the stock ones.
  10. So I just built a 4mil serval, took it riding a few weeks ago and it ran great. While riding two screws fell out of the stator cover( it's a 3pc billet one) so went back to the truck and found some bolts to fit in it for time being. It was about a week later I took it to the car wash to hose it down and had forgotten about the stator cover not being completely water tight. I started it to put it in the truck, washed it and re-started it to put it back in the truck. Didn't get home till late that night cause I had to work so I didn't start it to take it off but tried starting it the other day and has no spark. I checked all the connections swapped coils, swapped plugs, took off the flywheel thinking some water got on it and rusted it. It was fine but lightly sanded it anyway. Checked pickup coil gap....... What could it be. I'm thinking either stator is shot or cdi went bad just have a hard time seeing either go bad that easily. What do you guys think.
  11. Coryv what carbs did you go to that's making you get an hour on a tank.
  12. I have a 421 serval with 35mm a/s and running R2 pipes. When I took it out this last time trail riding I got a good 3-4 hours out of a tank of gas( stock size). And I'm by no means light on the go peddle.
  13. Go with the several. It's what I have and you won't be disappointed. What were you going? Stock port?
  14. YES!!! huge difference. Before I was running stock stroke stock ports stock carbs fmf fatties vf2 reeds and 19cc domes and this is a night and day difference. It's kind of a stupid video but if you go on YouTube look up 421 serval. There's video in a parking lot. That's me just screwing around drifting and shit. A lot of it is no clutch just hit the gas. Granted I have some what shitty tires, just razors that are about 75% tread but gives you a little idea.
  15. Jeff built my motor, 421 serval, and let me tell you that thing flys. I absolutely love the power it has and where it makes it. I'm running 35 pwk a/s and R2 pipes. Currently I'm on 22cc domes but will be switching over to 24cc real soon. You won't be disappointed with this motor.
  16. I'm running 15-41 right now. Haven't gotten it in the sand yet but so far I like it.
  17. http://m944.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/Fastassbanshee96/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_0118.jpg.html?pbauth=1_uLEBonVPfaLdh1h3YMYz2ZZfpK1HSsbvTyD%2B5C2EAZADiPSA5MpaW4ZQwmiu2vzi9jUHXDVMsxgfcatpizYGNS%2Bff5ac8IR96Q6npmBzde%2FEWZNBP3DrXOo9UP0GJ%2BrdLzZfy6dtIABTlZPDCX9j80LtARPBhveIzBjpHjd6jmTXJ8PakGPxkQ%3D%3D
  18. I painted a set of shock bodies before and the help up great. Now I have a set of polished 450 shocks with powdered springs. My buddy is still rocking his painted shocks( both springs and body) and they have held up great.
  19. You can polish steel like aluminum but it's a pain in the ass. My buddy did his stock axle and it looks just like chrome.
  20. Yeah I'll putting more videos up on YouTube. If I can figure out how to put videos on here from my iPhone I will. I'm still new to my serval. I've only gotten to ride it twice and haven't done any tuning on it so far. Jetting feels a little fat but I don't know for sure. Still have to do a plug chop and figure out 100% what I need to do with my domes. Jeff set it up to run pump gas but it has 22cc domes in it. As far as everything I've heard from everyone you need to run 24cc to be on pump gas. Going to be doing a compression test as soon as I have the chance but I'm just running 110 octane for now to be on the safe side.
  21. The video of mine is actually on YouTube. If you type in 421serval 3 videos should pop up. It's the one in a parking lot. I was just screwing around a little. And yes I need some new tires. Lol
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