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Everything posted by Fastassbanshee96

  1. Rippers will bite pretty hard. IMO I would run more along the lines of a 12 paddle extreme.
  2. I'm not sure but I've heard that deto can cause this to happen.
  3. I just have the F.A.S.T clutch kit with 6 heavy springs. Seems to hold up pretty good.
  4. It comes with pistons but there used pistons and there from before he had it resleeved so they are to big for this bore.
  5. I live I michigan and ride mostly trails. I have a 421 serval with r2 pipes and 35mm pwks and love it. I still have tons of power down low. Neither the pipes or carbs took away from any low end in my opinion. Although I haven't been on a different setup on this motor.
  6. So would these come with rims. I know you said the ones on it go to your bike but is there another set you will sell with these.
  7. Well these cylinders were just bored to 75 and haven't been ran yet. They were ported by Rudy Kurtz. It come with a cool head domes intakes and reeds. All for 750. Do you think that's a good deal?
  8. I was looking at buying one. I don't think this one is a pv motor. There aren't a lot of pics of the exhaust side but can't really see any.
  9. How much work goes into making a 10mil t-Rex with stock cases? I've heard its like the DMs.
  10. Not 100% but I heard that the guy on the snowmo was running consistent 3s and he had to let off atleast twice down the track.
  11. Loos like you had a massive air leak on the right side.
  12. Yeah you raptor was running pretty damn good. Pretty bad ass 4 poke you got there.
  13. So what's up Joe. Think we could get a few more races in before the end of the year?
  14. Had an awesome time out there today. Made a bunch of passes and no one got hurt. I'll try and get some videos up soon. Need to plan another one soon.
  15. I might.... I'll look and see when I get home. But if I do it's probably another pos one that's why it's it the spare parts box.
  16. I'd say you can use my 8 paddle haulers but I don't think you would want them. They are missing a couple paddles and pretty much all the rest are cracked. Lol
  17. You could always try that green slime stuff. Never used it but I know a guy that has and said it works.
  18. Yeah just got done washing mine up. Still have to do a few small things but for the most part I'm ready to go. Don't want to post any pics cause I don't want to show off the monster truck tires I'm running. Lol. I'm sure I'll here enough shit for them there.
  19. You don't need a press for your swing arm. You should be able to just pound them out.
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