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Everything posted by ZillaFreak

  1. Yes I did read your post hence my question. You made a claim the without a thermostat, coolant leaving the head will be the same as it enters a radiator. This is a "No shit sherlock" moment. You have been making claims that no t-stat would make coolant 180 everywhere. My question was very simple, how does a thermostat lower coolant temps before entering the radiator? I am not sure you have a clue what you are talking about.
  2. care to explain how a thermostat between head and radiator allows water to cool before enter the radiator? I will let you in, it doesn't. Again, a thermostat holds cold coolant in till it reaches a hotter temp and releases it. It does not hold coolant in till it gets colder somewhere else.
  3. Ok, do this. Put top bolt in first. Next put 2 side bolts in loosely to the mount. Then put the 2 bolts in the mount to the frame. Once all 5 are in, tight top first then 2 side then mount to frame bolts.
  4. Ya, just trying to more info on them. On wiseco's site (http://www.wiseco.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ItemID=842M06400&ModelID=445&ModelYear=2002&AppID=360) claims they are hard coat annodize. HP series. Here they are electracoated https://www.wiseco.com/Catalogs/Powersports/Yamaha.pdf Found out electracoated does "Eliminates ring and piston pin scuffing for increased life and added performance" https://www.wiseco.com/PDFs/Wiseco-ArcticCat1000EFIPistons.pdf Just trying to find out more info and worth the extra price.
  5. You don't know much if you think coolant would increase to 180 in both the radiator and head. If this was true, a radiator would be pointless. Just because you are friend with something doesn't mean you know anything
  6. Ditto till last night. Tried to do some research and can't find too much info on exactly what is coated.
  7. What was the difference? What was coated, crown, skirts, everything?
  8. I had a similar issue. Put top bolt in first. Then put side ones in and tighten down.
  9. SO was looking at wiseco pistons last night. I see they have 2 numbers for a stock banshee. 513 is stock replacement 842 is stock replacement with hard coat annodize. My question, has anyone used a 842 series yet? Any info on them?
  10. .5mm over is .020" over. Look closely before buying a piston kit. A .050" overbore will be a 65.25mm piston. Make sure to just pay attention when ordering so you don't order the wrong size.
  11. your numbers are useless and false. you are running a heater that heats the coolant. Reason the numbers drop isn't because of the t-stat but because the heater turned off.
  12. This bypass is to put warm coolant back into the engine to warm it up. It isn't there to cool the coolant in the radiator. That is the reason for a t-stat, to increase engine temps. And the t-stat cracks open to let some of the hot coolant out. For your numbers, if both engine and rad is 100F, the engine wasn't running. This would be ambient temps. There is zero way for engine to get to 180 and radiator actual get lower than ambient.
  13. So, the t-stat before or after the head? bypass at the t-stat? Even in this design, t-stat only increases heating of coolant, the bypass increase the cooling.
  14. It does this only by increase temp, it can not lower temps.
  15. It regulates it by only increase the temperature, it doesn't lower it. A thermostat works on a very simple principle, opens when hot, closes when cold. So when cold, it closes to limit flow to keep coolant in the head to warm up. Once warm, it opens to flow more. If a thermostat actually regulates temperature, if your engine was getting hot and hotter, how would it cool it down?
  16. https://www.denniskirk.com/ngk/lb05f-spark-plug-cap-lb05f.p2051.prd/2051.sku?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&gclid=Cj0KCQiAi57gBRDqARIsABhDSMrwScndZK97nCeTz3MbxDZL4nMq-44aWS1K11tv9jI3zNCNALExU9saAnr6EALw_wcB&ad=228600803220
  17. I am banned everyone, but my minions tell me everything.
  18. Yes. Always best to start it up once a week or so just to make sure the insides have oil on them.
  19. On facebook, a retard thinks a thermostat is added to a coolant system to improve cooling capabilities, makes an engine run cooler.
  20. Cant remember if it was XRF or Alba, but it was this issue I had on a friend's quad. Had to use my heel. Then the kickers got stuck in the heel guard. It was terrible. I wouldn't use any nerf bars that didn't have extra clearance for kicking.
  21. Have you tried reserve flow to see how the divider will act?
  22. First what is your pump gas? 91, 93, 94? 15% blend, no ethanol? Static compression is just one part of the formula for required octane. 20cc is too high for a non ported engine.
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